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Kai was reading Soobin's diary, He let out a small chuckle. He still remembers what Soobin did to him, at first he was afraid of him but he knew that Soobin needs love

He loved him not because he was forced, but he learned how to love him at his worst side and it amazes Kai that Soobin had change

When Soobin realized how terrible he was, he cried and kneeled in front of Kai, begging for forgiveness of course, Kai forgave him

He became more gentle, clingy and a fluffball at some times. This made Kai proud of himself, and he also remembers how Soobin proposed to him, they went out to a dinner eating happily when Soobin suddenly stood up then kneeled in front of him opening a small velvet box

"Kai Kamal Huening, I'm so terrible at you at first, I thought I was doing okay because I love you so it didn't matter even if I hurt you but no, you proved me wrong, I became a psycho but you accept my worst side and help me to change. You made me into a better person, Kai I'm so lucky, no I'm so blessed to have you, I really don't know what would happen if I lose you and I don't want that to happen. Kai you are my angel, my world, my life, my everything. Please by my lifetime partner and grow old with me, Kai Kamal Huening will you marry me and be my Mr. Choi?"

Kai was astonished, some tears left his eyes he quickly wiped them and smiled at Soobin

"Yes Soobin, I love you so much"

And with that Soobin put the ring on Kai's finger and hugged him then he kissed Kai on the lips lovingly

Remembering those moments made Kai smile wide until someone opened the door on their Soobin's shared room

"Kai~ I'm home" it was Soobin with their two kids comming home from school since Soobin picked them up. The kids dashed to their father, since Kai and Soobin are both males they decided to adopt two kids and they named them Sulli and Kyungwan

"Dada! dada!" both kids went to Kai and Kai instantly hugged them and kissed both of their cheeks

"What about me?" Soobin pouted, Kai chuckled at Soobin's cuteness then he leaned in and kissed Soobin's lips

"Dada! Daddy said we are going to the ice cream shop" Sulli said and Kyungwan nods agreeing with his sister

"Because we got A+ so daddy promised us that we will go together to get some ice cream" Kyungwan added

Kai smiled at how adorable his kids are "alright, go to your rooms okay and change your clothes first" and with that, both kids left the room running into their own rooms

"So what are you doing while I was away?" Soobin asked "Oh I just found your diary and I'm so curious so I read it" Kai said

"Oh.. Kai I'm sorry.." Soobin said and hugged Kai tightly, Kai kissed Soobin's cheeks and said "It's okay now hubby, I love you and only you" Kai said with a giggle then Soobin began to tickle Kai, Kai laughed so much that they both fell in the bed

Soobin stopped tickling Kai and smiles at him while Kai gasped for air, smiling back at Soobin. "Oh shit I need to get change" Kai said running to their closet

Soobin chuckled and stared at Kai, after Kai was finished they left the room and saw their kids waiting for them in the living room

"Kids, let's go!!" Kai said and the kids went to their fathers holding their hands, they drove to the nearest ice cream shop and ate their ice cream happily

Kai and Soobin are so happy, their hearts desires are now fulfilled, they really love their own family, what more could they ask for?

The End.

653 words

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