Introducing Mandark

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An immortal human that can truly make a difference in the world. So strong that an atomic bomb can do no harm to him. A city can be destroyed in a matter of seconds by his hand. There are no physical weaknesses.

There's a reason this immortal human exists. A sickness present in this beautiful world needs to be cured. This world runs on an invention called money. The use of money brings a lot of benefits to the world, but it isn't perfected. Multinationals are created to produce as efficiently and profitably as possible for a small percentage of the world's population, the stakeholders. They don't care about the toxic waste they dump in the drinking water. When a specific type of cancer suddenly rises up in a particular area where the factories stand, they will not hold any responsibility. They don't care about the employees that have to work 60+ hours a week on a paycheck that can barely keep their family alive. In order to change this, people look at politicians.

Politicians are hired by these multinationals to pretend there is someone listening to the people. These politicians make promises which they never keep. Once elected there are always "viable" reasons why they can't do what's been promised.

Here's a small story about how politics work. At the moment people can retire at the age of 65, the multinationals want this to be raised to 70. This will save the multinationals a lot of money and will make them even richer.

A new "rumor" comes out, people have to work until they are 75 before they can retire. As expected, the people will protest. Suddenly a politician rises up and says he will stop this law from ever coming up. Once elected he sets the retirement age at 70 and explains that it really had to be done and there was no other choice. Of course, the multinationals always wanted the retirement age to be 70. The people think they won a small victory. The media will say "Thank God we don't have to work until 75.". Your protest truly worked. This politician really did his best.

War is another way of the rich to make themselves richer. Protecting and expanding the property of the rich. A once peaceful country suddenly gets invaded by highly trained terrorists, rebels or freedom fighters (depending on the stand of the leaders of your country) with sophisticated weapons and vehicles. No mainstream media will even try to figure out how it's possible for a highly trained group to arise out of (seemingly) nowhere with a unlimited supply of expensive, modern tools needed to succeed.

And then there is the average citizen of a developed country. The full time worker, the taxpayer. Not everything can be blamed on big corporations. The biggest reason corporations can do the things they do is because obedient citizens allow it. These are the citizens that don't look for information, they stopped asking the important questions. Why are we doing this? How can we achieve our goals in a better sustainable way? How can I improve? The only way to truly vote, is with the product a citizen buys.

Unfortunately the majority of the people only care about themselves. Sustainability is not on the mind of these citizens. Clothes just have to be good looking. Food is defined by the commerce. Burgers, steaks and all the other "good" stuff that's made from killing a being.

Soldiers obey their commanding officers and don't ask the right questions. Even when they feel in their heart that what they are doing is wrong, they don't protest in fear of the consequences. Drop a bomb on a village like a videogame, killing maybe a few threats and thousands of innocent bystanders and sleep like a baby. After a while they wonder why there are more and more extremists coming up after each bombing.

A lot more can be said about all the wrongs in this world. For every problem a solution exists. This is the beginning story of Mandark, the man that will change this world.

Chapter 1 - Pre-Immortality

The alarm goes off. It's 0600. I have to get up for work. A standard office job 40 hours a week. Eat breakfast, poop, bike and I'm sitting in the train with a lot of the same kind of people. Structurally we live similar lives from birth to death.

In the train I see people making bad lifestyle choices. Smoking, drinking energy drinks for breakfast, eating highly refined processed crap. The foods are almost always cooked parts of the body of a different being. Disgusting. These people are often fat, they smell strange and simply look like they don't have a care in the world. Fortunately from time to time there's some beauty to light up the space. While these beauties exist there's still hope for humanity.

While traveling there are free newspapers handed out. The news of today is shown. Of course there's plenty of propaganda inside to keep the minds of these obedient workers full. Summary of all the news: "The world is crap and you're better off here.".

My life, and the life of my fellow human is structured by many rules. As long as I can remember it felt like my life is forced. It doesn't feel natural. It doesn't feel like I'm the person I should be. To be able to survive in this world I have trained myself to stop thinking and criticizing. There's too much shit. From the moment we're born, everything is decided.

Be A Number

When they say, be yourself
They mean be like everyone else
Because when you are yourself
You're not one of us

You challenge our beliefs
The truth will not set us free
The only time I feel relief
When you agree with me

Why can't you be like me?
So happy and free.
Your sadness is a choice.
Just give up your voice.

What do you have to lose?
Why act like a fool?
No one wants to be like you.
Here's what you have to do.

Don't try to be unique
Think before you speak
Be a number

Don't overcriticize
Put on a show and smile
Be a number

Why keep resisting?
What's in it for you?
Do you like to lose?

Don't try to be unique
Think before you speak
Be a number

Don't overcriticize
Put on a show and smile
Be a number

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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