Break Down

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As everyone got older the fans started to worry about Yoongi. His friends were getting married and having children. Yoongi on the other hand wasn't having those experiences. He's never talked about any of those things to the fans. He could barely even talk to it to his friends without getting choked up.


Yoongi was usually good at dates and times but nowdays he was so busy it went straight over him. He never had to tell his company to keep a certain few days clear because events for some reason never fell on those days. Until now.

It was the boys fourteenth year in the business. It had been seventeen years since Lia had been killed. They were having a concert on her birthday. He wanted to throw a fit and cancel but he knew Lia would yell and scold him for it. So he didn't and went on with the concert.

The whole time the fans could tell something was wrong. Not with just Yoongi but all of the boys. When the concert came to an end and the tour did the same in Seoul Yoongi started crying. Usually the fans would think it's because the surprise project they had or because the tour was ending. They knew this time it was different because how he just collapsed.

"Hyung!" Namjoon yelled rushing to Yoongi. The boys soothed Yoongi and the fans only started to worry even more.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi spoke into the mic when he calmed down. He was helped up by Jin and Jimin handed him his bandana.

"Army, there's something I never told you before. It's a hard subject but I feel it's time. I know many of you worry about me being lonely when I grow old. You noticed of all of BTS I don't have a kid or partner. The truth is seventeen years ago I was married." Yoongi said taking a deep breathe. Jin bit his lip and rubbed his friends back.

The crowd was filled with sorrow just by Yoongi's tone of his confession and how the others were reacting.

"I was in university. A girl was there for two weeks. She was beautiful but I paid no mind to her because I was just focused on school. Then we were partnered together for a chemistry project. We did it on the chemical of love and how the brain and heart reacted to pictures of loved ones. If you think I fell in love with the girl you're right. We collected data on how long it took someone to fall in love. I collected data for males and she for females. One day. It took me one day to fall in love but two weeks to come to realize. After the project I found out it was really one day because she told me a story. How she saw a poor boy playing music on a street corner. Me. She saw me and I remember seeing her." Yoongi said belnding his first time and last time meeting her in one.

"Jin hyung told me we met officially when we did because then it was time. We got married actually very soon. No I don't regret it. I wear my ring around my neck or finger depending on what is going on. Her name was Ki- Min Lia. Namjoons sister. My Lia." He choked on his words.

"It's okay hyung." Namjoon said hugging him.

"My my my Lia was taken from me. Her crazy ex took her from me. From us. She told me to move on but as you can see I didn't. I don't want anyone but Lia." Yoongi said and took another breath. By now the crowd, men and women, young and old were crying for the boys.

"You're probably wondering why today? Why is he telling us now? Today is actually her birthday. So far I never had to ask for a few certain days in the year off but my dates got mixed in the end of this and it went right over me. I wanted to cancel honestly but I knew Lia would never let that happen. Obviously because we're here." He chuckled, "Seventeen years have passed and when I think of her I still get butterflies. When Namjoon wanted to form this group I originally said no. But Lia always wanted me to do something with my music so I agreed."

"Lia, my love, kitten. I miss you. Today everyone officially met you and I know if you were here they'd love you." Yoongi said. He smiled feeling a soft breeze blow, "Hi my love. I knew you wouldn't miss this concert."

The others knew it was her. All of them caught a hint of warm vanilla. Namjoon caught it and nearly dropped his mic. Jimin who was closest hugged him earning more tears in the crowd. 

"Happy birthday my love. Everyday I think of you and every day I long for your voice. Thank god you loved to document everything. I promise when I see you we'll never have to say goodbye." His lip quivered as his words came between hiccuped breathing now. "Every thing I do is done in your name. I'm sorry for back tracking in my behavior after you left but I'm doing better. I love you forever." 

He dropped his mic arm down to his side and slowly his friends hugged him. The last song played again with no words. The fans waved their bombs in the air not only in the boys name that night but Lias. 

Lia who had come down to see Yoongi smiled seeing him look at the fans like he did her. She cupped his face with her ghostly fingers.

"I love you Yoongi. So much we have so much to talk about but when you're old and ready to join me." She said pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Yoongi knew it when he felt it and closed his eyes. He went home after the concert feeling a little better after talking about it like that. The concert was trending. Fans of others came together with Army in their efforts to digitally comfort Yoongi. He saw it and smiled. He hoped a picture of their wedding and captioned it with a thank you to everyone and an I love you forver for Lia.

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