It all starts with a teasing of the hat

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Kokichi walked out of the door that led to the courtyard as Shuichi followed him, looking around quietly as a breeze swept by him and knocked his hat off his head. Kokichi looked at him then went to grab Shuichi's hat before it hit the ground. Kokichi picked up his hat and looked at Shuichi with entertained eyes "Haha, looking for this?" Kokichi said as he put Saihara's hat on his head. "Hey hey look! I'm Shuichi Saihara! No that's wrong!" The supreme leader pointed his finger at Shuichi's nose, followed with a "boop!" Shuichi got flustered and tried to snatch his hat back from him. "H-hey, Give that back!" Kokichi just looked at him with a smile and laughed "You're gonna have to catch me first!" As soon as he finished his sentence, he turned around and started to run away as swiftly as possible. Shuichi ran after him, yelling at Kokichi to give his hat back, when he found himself inside the Shrine of Judgement. As he went through the red doors, Kokichi was looking up at the Monokuma statue, trying to contain his laughter. Shuichi looked at Kokichi and then to the statue in confusion as he started to walk to it. Kokichi looked at the ultimate detective and pointed at the statue. "Hahaha! I-is this really what he thinks of himself?! That's hilarious!!" Shuichi looked at him, concerned for the purple haired boy, and tried to keep him from falling, but Kokichi fell onto the tile floor and continued to laugh, despite the pain he felt when he landed. Shuichi sighed and picked him up and placed him on his back, which made Kokichi stop laughing and look down at him. They stared at each other for a while, till Kokichi took the hat off his head and put it back on Shuichi's. "There ya go~" Kokichi smiled cheerfully and stuck out his tongue a little. Shuichi covered his mouth and looked away from his playful gaze. "Ok....stop with the cute act.." Kokichi looked at Shuichi with shock. "Huuhh? How come Shumai? Kokichi pouted and placed his head on Shuichi's shoulder, waiting for an answer. Shuichi looked up at him but stayed silent. Kokichi smiled."is it because it gets you flustered?" Shuichi shook his head with a disapproving expression. "Kokichi...please don't." Kokichi gasped and poked Shuichi's cheeks. " oooh! It is isn't it? I knew it!" Shuichi pushed Kokichi's face gently with his hand for him to stop talking."Agh! Heyyy what was that for?"Kokichi punched his shoulder lightly and started to smile like he forgot what he was angry about. Shuichi just smiled back " Hey Kokichi, would you like to go the casino for a while to escape all the commotion that happened today?" Kokichi  looked at Shuichi with shock which was then covered by a soft gaze. "Of course i would, Shushu." Kokichi spoke in almost a whisper. Shuichi nodded, happy with his answer, and started to walk towards the casino, holding Kokichi tightly by the legs to make sure he wouldn't fall off his back on the way there.

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