Chapter 3

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The door knob twisted slowly but surely and it felt like life was in slow motion. As midoriya slowly opened the door he feels a pat on his shoulder...
"Aoyama " midoriya screamed with trembles in his voice" what are you doing here." It was clear aoyama had no idea about what was going on." I should ask you the same thing midoriya" aoyama  said as pationatly as always. Midoriya quickly responded " aren't you supposed to be on a school trip with the others your name was on the list. aoyama suddenly lost the pride in his voice and said quietly "I was held back because of my studies" "now midoriya" Aoyama said locking his game onto midoriya " why are you trying to go into the forbidden dorm" midoriya struggles to find the words and quickly said " this isn't my dorm hoho" and bolted for the staircase. He hid and waited for aoyama to leave and even though suspicious aoyama left for his dorm to continue his studying.

Yet again midoriya was back at the forbidden dorm. The door handle turned slowly and the door opened with a creek. A black mist crept out from behind the door as midoriya put one foot after the other into the room. Suddenly the lights flickered on. And some strange music started to play. But it wasn't music music it was just someone going bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum. But half way through that music four chairs turned around slowly leaving one chair behind. On those four chairs there was kirishima, jirou, Mina and sero. Then a voice is heard from the fifth  hair that was still backwards "thanks a lot guys you ruined my dramatic moment come on" then it turned round revealing kaminari . "Midoriya" kirishima spike out. And suddenly mins jumped up from her seat walked up to him and said " we need you for a special mission to save bakugo" after some confusion the light of what they needed him to do was clear.

Sorry this chapter is short I just wanted to right it quickly.

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