**Do not copy my story or I will strangle you with barbed wire ;) . Also note that I am very busy. My updating schedule will be approximately every one to two weeks**

All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2014 by CarrotTopsHateRed, inc.

Published in December 2014

There were birds that flew overhead... Whispering sweet melodies to the rising sun. I sat on a bench on the highest mountaintop. The trees swung with the breeze; my hair followed in auburn curls.

Mathew lay on the grass, whistling to their harmony between plush red lips. My eyes darted to the golden tattoo on his left shoulder.

A dragon coiled around an amber sphere. I wanted to trace it with the tips of my fingers, following the hollows and grooves of his taunt pale skin. I felt myself shiver as his gaze met mine. His eyes were pure and dark--like liquid chocolate. I loved his eyes. I'd always loved his eyes.

"Kendra?" He called, as if I'd already left him, as if I'd already gone.


My voice came out breathless and contrite. Thick with the pain behind the goodbye that would surely come within the hour. I saw the carriage from my perch, reminding me that we weren't truely alone. The guards were inside, watching us with a fear that made my stomach churn.

But Mathew was there, and the feeling faded with a glance at his beautiful eyes.

The air around us sizzled back and fourth, from his tattoo to the one just below my hip.

He blushed crimson. "Can I see it?"

I smiled, though a nervous flitter ran down my spine.

"What do you want to see?"

He waited a few seconds; his breath baited. "Your dragon, Kendra... I love your dragon. And I miss the feel of it beneath my fingers, when we were in the cottage..."

He choked on his words.

"I'm sorry."

Touch. Touches. Lips. Mouth tongue clashing against the soft expanse of skin.

I shivered, curling my hands into fists as a tide if want coursed through my veins. I reached for him, bending off the bench to touch his cheek. He jerked away.

My face flamed in mortification. He bit his lip.

"You know I want to." He said.

"Yeah, I know."

I love you.

I love you too.

That's what we should have been able to say.

Instead I nodded my head. Lifting the silken gowns to show my silver dragon. The air heated instantly. My mark began to burn.

His eyes fluttered shut; this time it was him who reached for me, and I melted into him.

From where his palm pressed into my tattoo, a flurry of sparks burst, the ground rumbled. An earthquake tossed me off the bench.

Without his hand on my thigh, the sparks ceased and the earths wails hauled to a stop.

My ear began to register the guards screams.

It took them thirty minutes to climb the trail in the carriage. I kicked, screamed, shrieked into the sun lit morn. They took me away from him. Mathew didn't fight. He never did.

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