Chapter 1: My life so far

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"Goodmorning beautiful!" I heard as my eyes slowly crept open.

"Aghh what are you doing here?!" i exclaimed as I saw Amber standing at the foot of my bed with a brown bag that read "Panera"

"I am here to greet you on your first saturday of freedom! Now wake the hell up and get dressed. We have plans today."

I slowly got up and started walking towards the bathroom. I jumped into the shower. After 3 minutes of the water beating on my back, I heard "WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY, LYNN!" I sighed and quickly rinsed my hair.

When I got out, I grabbed a towel and went into my room. I glanced at the clock and saw that is was only 7 in the morning. "Oh my god, it is only 7 on a saturday and you wake me up? Not cool Amber."

She rolled her eyes and pointed to my bed. I saw that she had already layed me out a pair of jeans and a shirt to wear.  "I think it is a sweat pants kind of day." I said, sounding annoyed.

"Well to bad, we are going to the mall. You don't expect to jump right back out there with sweat pants on now do you?"

"Andru and I have only been broken up for a week and you want me to 'jump right back out there' already? I do not think so."

"Quit being stupid and just get dressed." 

I sighed and walked into my bathroom to get ready.

Even though Amber was such a pain, I still do love her. We both moved her in the 2nd grade and had no friends. We both were registered at the same time, we both had the same teacher, and we were both introduced to our class at the same time. On that day, she walked up to me on the playground and said, "My name is Amber. I think we should be friends." I looked up amazed that anyone would talk to me and smiled. From that day, we were inseperable. Here we are now,  juniors in highschool and still attached at the hip. 

I walked out of the bathroom.

"God, took you long enough.. now let's go already." I looked at the clock one more time and it read 7:05. Yeah, she must have been waiting forever.

We pulled into the mall parking lot. Our town is so small, and I was suprised we even had a mall. My phone started to buzz in my pocket. I got it out and began to read a text from Andru.

"I am sorry if I hurt you, I hope we can still be friends." everything came back at me..

Andru and I were considered the "it-couple." We were together for 5 months and everyone knew our relationship. He was loud, immature boy who was secretly a huge romantic and I was the girl who caught his eye the first time he saw me. We were the perfect couple. He had been really distant for about a week so I showed up at his house to suprise him with concert tickets. It was then when i saw him kissing Shelby, the girl who had been in love with him for years, the same girl who followed me around for weeks when Andru and I started talking. He didn't see that I was there at first, but i am pretty sure he saw me when I threw that concert tickets at them and said "I hope you two have a great time."

Amber was waving her hand in my face. "LYNN!"

"What? Sorry.." 

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

I looked down at my phone one more time and then hit the lock button. "Nothing, let's go."

"Let's start out at... Hot Topic. We need to get you some new shirts, because what you have right now," she said, eyeing my shirt, "is not okay."

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to walk towards the west wing. 

While browsing the racks of band tshirts, Amber came up to me.

"Isn't that Jake from school?" she said, gesturing toward the clerk who was bagging up CDs and jeans for a costumer. 


"Ew, he is so weird. Seriously, he never talks to anyone and is always listening to music, how the hell did he get a job here?"

"Maybe he has a good personality." I said as she let out a huge, sarcastic laugh. I just rolled my eyes. 

After finding a few tshirts, we walked up to the counter.

"Hello, ladies."

"Hi." Amber said.

"Is this all for you? We are having a sale on our shirts. Buy 2, get 1 free."

I looked down and saw that I had picked 3. 

" No thanks." I replied.

He finished bagging them and threw in a Pierce the Veil bracelet.

"Um, I don't think I have enough to buy that...."

"It's on me." he cut me off.

As he handed me my bag, our eyes locked. I noticed his eyes, bright blue with dark blue everywhere. It was so beautiful.

"Let's go!" Amber said.

We walked out and she said, "What was that about?"


"He was staring into your eyes.."

"Oh, I don't know. Can we just go eat now? I am starving."

We walked into the food court scanning the choices.

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