Act 1: Chapter 1

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On a certain evening in spring, a young man wearing a trench coat and slacks approaches a bus station carrying two briefcases in hand. He takes a seat on the bench and pulls out a smartphone from his pocket and reads a text message from "Grandma".

The message reads: "Be sure to call me when you get to town. I'm preparing something quite special for you." The young man smiles and looks around waiting for the bus. The howling wind blowing passed him can only be described as ominously soothing. This very same wind would be what lulls the man into a slumber.

He begins to dream of himself standing on giant body of water reflecting a crimson sky above. In front of him are two orbs comprised of light and darkness. Hearing a voice, he looks around to indicate where it comes from, but to no avail.

"You must remember!" The voice shouts. "Remember who you are and stop this chaotic cycle of selfish rebirth."

The orb of light slowly becomes absorbed by the orb of darkness much to the confusion of the young man. The orb of light cries out to him saying "You will be the one to stop this! Don't make the same mistakes as you previously had." With that, the orb of light becomes completely engulfed by the orb of darkness which transforms into a giant clad in black robes sporting 4 sets of black wings.

The young man looks around until his gaze is met with the sight of a young man surrounded by dead bodies. The young man cries uncontrollably as if he were mourning the death of those around him, however, these cries would soon stop and transform into maniacal laughter as he stood up.

The young man laughing turns around showing his golden eyes with black tears streaming down his face. The concerned young man takes a step backward in horror at what he was seeing.

"It was all for their sake." The golden eyed man said in a distorted speech. "Their happiness is the cause of all this. We gave them a world in which they would never have to feel pain and in which we control."

"I-I don't understand...who are you!?" The young man said.

"You will know soon enough." The golden eyed young man said. The giant creature floating in the sky unsheathes it's sword which is then bathed in the rays of the crimson moon. The sword then expels a crimson light from it's blade before it is sheathed into the water creating a gigantic blast that envelopes the smiling golden eyed young man.

"Never shall they wake." The golden eyed man gloated.

The young man wakes up from his slumber shocked to his very core. His hyperventilation is accompanied by light sweating and a beating chest.

"What...what was that dream!?" He asked himself trying to understand what he just say. His phone beeps causing his body to jump again out of fear. He reaches into his pocket to pull it out and is met with a strange message. Anonymous sender with only an image which the young man then opens up. The image is of a ticket with a golden "V" on it.

The air grows still as the moon arises leaving the young man in a state of worry as he looks both ways on the strip of road in front of him. Looking the way he came, he is met with two lights fast approaching him. A bus comes into his view promoting him to pick up his bags and prepare his necessary fare. A cobalt blue bus with the letter "V" stops in front of the bus stop and opens its doors to a women with golden eyes, long white hair, and a bus conductor outfit matching colors with the bus itself.

"Oh, it's you. I wasn't aware that it was that time again. Come on aboard, passenger." The woman said with a warm and inviting smile on her face.

The young man climbs onto the bus, but is confused about where he should out the fare. The bus driver chuckles a bit.

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