Chapter 15

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Riya: I I have C Cancer, Sid.

Sid looked at her and bursted out laughing.

Siddharth: Stop kidding, Riyu.

He pulled her closer and traced her lips with his thumb, while looking into her eyes with so many emotions in it. Her lips trembled for a second and she was about to say something, before that he took her lips in his. He kissed her passionately and started biting her lower lips. She kissed him back but pulled back from him soon, before he starts his mischieves.

Riya: S Sid, listen to me. I am not kidding. See these reports, you will know yourself.

She took xerox copy of reports from her bag and forwarded them to him. He simply pushed them away and pulled her more close. He started kissing and sucking her neck. Riya held his shoulder and her breath rates started increasing.

Riya: S Sid, even Anu confirmed the reports. These are true.

Siddharth: Anu...

He took the reports from her and went to Ananya, who was sitting in foodcourt and talking to her babies, while caressing her tummy. He threw the reports infront of her.

Siddharth: Dr Ananya!! What the hell is all these!! Why did you give fake reports to my Riyu?

Ananya was startled by his sudden out burst and looked at Riya, who came behind him.

Riya: S Sid, relax!! That is truth only and stop shouting at her. She did her job only na.

Siddharth: nope!! She is lieing and all are lieing. You can't leave me just like that, Riyu.

He pulled her close to her and held her hands tightly, so that she can't leave him. Ananya didn't know how to react. She just looked at them with tears. Sumedh came to them and held Ananya's hand. She hugged him with tears.

Siddharth: Please, say these reports are false. I don't wish to hear anyother words other than false. I will even call you Ananya, I won't torture you like always. Please, say this is as fake.

He started crying like baby. Riya got tears seeing him like that and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and let out his tears continuously.

Riya: Sid, try to understand...

Siddharth (cuts her inbetween): stop talking negatively, there will be some way. If you take treatment now, you will get fine.

He looked at Ananya hopefully, expecting her to answer in his favour. She noded her head without anyother option. Siddharth made Riya sat at chair and sat next to her. Sumedh and Ananya sat opposite to them.

Ananya: Riya, first thing is you should stay positive. Then, just have the medicines I prescribed. It will make you ready for treatment. Then you should get admited at hospital, when you are ready to take up the treatment.

Siddharth: Will it be painful? Can you make it painless?

Ananya: Relax, Sid. We will give her pain killer injection through IV. She won't feel pain. Hope for the good.

Riya: and incase if anything h happens to m me, you should d do what I s say.

Siddharth (took deep breath): yes, okay!! I will do and stop being negative.

Riya: yes and I wish to donate my organs, Anu.

Ananya: okay, then. If you go to the City hospital, you can get forms there, just fill that and sign it.

Riya: okay!!

Ananya: but don't loose hope. I had seen many last minute miracles in my career, you will be fine.

She just noded her head with small smile and left from there with Siddharth, who didn't have any kind of happiness in his face. Whole world looked like enemy to him, who tries to snatch his life from him.

Sumedh: let's go, Jaan. You need rest.

She just noded her head. Just then Radhika and Varsha came there.

Radhika (shouted) : without us!!! Why did you leave us in middle, bhai?

Varsha: You were supposed to choose dresses for us, Jiju.

Radhika (winked at them) : by the way, we have one surprise for you both. Wanna know what it is?

Varsha (hit her lightly): shut up, idiot!! We shouldn't reveal now.

Radhika: You are speaking as if, I am revealing that to them. I just said, we have surprise for them.

They both continued arguing like always, without letting either Ananya or Sumedh to interrupt them. Ananya, who was already in bad mood due to Riya's health issue, ended up losing her cool, as they didn't let her think properly about Riya's treatment.

Ananya: will you both shut your mouth for a while?!

They both fell silent in sudden fear, as Ananya never scolded or shouted at them like this before. Both Sumedh and Ananya always treat them both as their first born kids. They apologized to her shiveringly.

Sumedh: girls, relax!! She is just tensed about one patient in hospital. You both were shouting and arguing na, that's why she told you to be silent.

Varsha: but she shouted at us.

Radhika: that too harshly.

They both told but that was mere like whisper. Ananya looked at them both. Tears were fighting to come out of their eyes. She hugged them both.

Ananya: I am sorry, dears. don't I have rights to shout at you both?

Radhika: we were at mistake, sorry, bhabi.

Varsha: Yes, Sorry, di.

She smiled and wiped their both tears. Sumedh took them back to home. Girls went to their rooms. Sumedh and Ananya were about to enter their room, just then servant stopped them.

Sumedh: yes, Ramu Kaka!!

Servant: Your assistant told to gave you this file, dear.

He gave him one file. Sumedh smiled at him and took the file. They both went and fresh up and Sumedh lied in bed with the file to read it. Ananya lied on him, putting her head on his chest. Sumedh kissed her forehead and caressed her hairs.

Ananya: what is that file about?

Sumedh: don't know, Jaan. Let me read it.

Ananya hummed while snuggling into him. He read the file. He took deep breath and closed the file.

... To be Continued

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