Chapter One

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Tap Tap Tap. Draco looked up from where he sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair to see a large tawny colored owl at the window. He was surprised that an owl could find him, as he was living in a run-down muggle hotel. With a sigh, he grudgingly opened the window, allowing the owl access inside. A lock of his silky blond hair fell into his face and over one of his silver eyes, but he didn't move it. He was too focused on the familiar seal on the envelope. The Hogwarts seal.

Despite Draco's best attempts to rid the owl and not take the letter, the owl wouldn't budge. Draco reluctantly went up to the owl and released the letter. The owl flew back out the window, into the night sky. Instead of reading the letter, Draco set the letter on fire, watching as the paper shriveled up and disintegrated. Once all that was left of the letter was a pile of ash, Draco limped back over to his chair, and opened his book about healing, Handy Healing Spells.

Ever since he was a little boy, Draco had always wanted to be a healer. Lucius had always disapproved of it, but that never stopped Draco from dreaming. Now that Lucius was in Azkaban and Draco was cleared of charges, he could finally pursue his dream. The only problem was that he had never taken his N.E.W.T.S. That and most people didn't care he had been cleared of charges, they just saw him as a worthless Death Eater.

Tap Tap Tap. Draco only had the chance to read a few pages, before another owl appeared at his window. This one was a smaller silver owl with wide silver eyes. Frustrated, Draco whipped out his wand and sent a hex flying towards the owl. The problem was that the window was still shut, which resulted in the glass shattering everywhere.

The owl hooted in delight, and flew right inside, landing on the wobbly wooden bedframe in the corner. Cursing under his breath, Draco walked carefully to the owl. It too bears a letter with the Hogwarts emblem on it. Realizing that if he ignored the letter he would simply receive more, he took the letter and opened it.

'Mr. Draco Malfoy,
This year, all the students of your year are given the choice to return to Hogwarts for an eighth year to complete your education. Eighth years will receive dorm rooms, in which they will share dorms with one other student. The other student may be of a different house. If you would like to return to Hogwarts, we will require a conformation owl by August 30th. As a gift to any eighth years for returning, books and other necessary supplies will be given to you upon arrival. The only things you must purchase are non-required items you may want, and new robes if your old ones do not fit.
Sincerely Headmistress McGonagall'

Draco's hand was shaking. He could go back to Hogwarts! But then he realized something.

"They might all hate me there though... they just know me as the Death Eater who tried to kill the boy who lived..." He said aloud to himself.

Draco shook his head. Despite knowing that he'd be getting some major shite for having been a
death eater, he couldn't stand living in this muggle hotel.

Harry stared down at his cup of coffee. Number 12 Grimmauld Place was dark, depressing, and reeked of dark magic. He hated it just as much as Sirius had.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something brown flash in front of the open window. Shaking his arm to retrieve his wand from where it was in his sleeve, he walked to the window. To his surprise, it was a large owl. The only owls that he didn't get forwarded to The Burrow were those from Professor- well, Headmistress, McGonagall. Reaching out his hand to release the letter, Harry saw the familiar Hogwarts seal on the front. Once the owl had left, Harry opened the envelope.

Mr. Harry Potter,

This year, all the students of your year are given the choice to return to Hogwarts for an eighth year to complete your education. Eighth years will receive dorm rooms, in which they will share dorms with one or two other students. The other student may be of a different house. If you would like to return to Hogwarts, we will require a conformation owl by August 30th. As a gift to any eighth years for returning, books and other necessary supplies will be given to you upon arrival. The only things you must purchase are non-required items you may want, and new robes if your old ones do not fit. 

Sincerely Headmistress McGonagall

Harry grinned. He had been wondering if he would get the opportunity to go back and finish his final year. Even though Harry wanted to be a professional Quidditch player, he still wanted to complete his education. Just in case he wanted to do something else after Quidditch. With a flick of his wand, some parchment and a quill appeared by his side. He began to write.

Ron and Hermione,
Did you guys get your letter from Hogwarts about eighth year! I'm definitely going, how about you? Well I don't have to ask if Hermione's going to, we all know that answer. You'll come too though, right Ron? I can't wait. Who do you think our DADA teacher will be? And how are things going at the Burrow? Tell Molly I say hello. I've gotta go now. Bye guys!

Harry carefully attached the letter to Pigwidgeon's small leg and opened the window, allowing the tiny owl free to fly outside towards the Burrow.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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