Chapter six

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That night when Percy went to bed he felt kinda accomplished. The day had been easier than the previous two. For starters, he pretty much knew his way around the school now and didn't have to ask anyone for directions. Secondly, he and Annabeth had really clicked. She was such a sweetheart and he had enjoyed every minute of art class which was new for him. Art really wasn't his strong point.
But even though Percy had that sense of accomplishment, he still felt a little empty. He hadn't really done anything he loved recently and was a bit sad about it. The thing that annoyed him the most out of everything was the fact that there was no swim team at the school. He would have to find something at the community pool which was a little tedious but he didn't have any other choice.
Beep beep.
Percy's alarm went off Friday morning, seeming a little louder than it usually was. He smacked it with the palm of his hand putting it on snooze before burying his face back into the pillow. He really wasn't a morning person. Was anyone?
Beep beep.
Groaning, Percy dragged himself out of the bed sheets and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for the day.
His Mom was already up and was in the kitchen making pancakes. Ever since they moved she'd been making an absurd amount of food for Percy, almost like her way of saying she was sorry for dragging him away from his old life.
Percy really did like food.
The pancakes were blue as usual, and he gulped them down, not because he was in a rush to be anywhere, but because that was just naturally how he ate.
"Paul and I are going to be home a little late tonight, I'll leave some dinner in the fridge for you." His Mom, Sally, said in between bites. Paul was Percy's step dad and wasn't too bad, Percy actually enjoyed his company. Plus, his Mom loved Paul and he made her happy, so that was enough for Percy to be satisfied.
Rinsing off his plate and swinging his bag over his shoulder, Percy quickly kissed his mom on the cheek and grabbed his skateboard, walking out the door.
It was a nice enough day so that's why he decided to skate instead of taking the school bus or drive.
Within half an hour he reached the front doors of the school, walking in, navigating through the halls. There was lots of hustle and bustle, talk of weekend plans, and that general excitement that always hung over everyone at the end of the week.
First class was English, which was not his best subject since he was dyslexic, but Percy decided to not complain and actually try to enjoy it.
"Hey man!" The blonde boy whose name he remembered as Jason exclaimed. Leo had reminded him the day before of this guy's name and he silently said a thank you. Percy waved, "Hey!"
They had English together so Percy walked with him to class, keeping up a bit of small talk along the way.
"So how's your first week been?" Jason asked, opening the door to their classroom. "It's been busy but I kinda like this place," Percy replied, sitting down in a random seat.
"Dude this town is great, you just need to find your people, if you know what I mean, and i dunno, vibe." Jason seemed so content with the place.
How was he supposed to find his 'people' when he'd left them all behind. He especially missed his best friend Grover. Grover had cried real tears when Percy left, and he hated that.
The rest of the class was pretty boring, the positive state of mind that Percy had tried putting through his brain beforehand had now left and all he wanted to do was sleep. Sleep was good, school was not.
Eventually the bell rang and again there was the regular chaos of students going to their next class. Percy waved goodbye to Jason and walked in the opposite direction, heading for math class.
He hadn't understood any of the homework from last class and was kinda annoyed about it.
Sitting down in his seat he huffed. An hour of this crap was not gonna slide with him. So absorbed in his thoughts of 'I hate math,' Percy almost forgot that he would get to see Annabeth.
She sat down next to him, startling Percy. He dropped his pencil on the ground and blushed, "oops, my bad."
She giggled, shaking her head, "here lemme get that for you," bending down, she picked up his pencil that had rolled by her bag, and set it on top of his binder.
"Ahh my knight in shining armour," Percy joked. They both laughed, and Percy mentally patted himself on the back.
Mrs. Brown walked in, looking a little grumpy. Annabeth gave him a look that said, 'don't do anything wrong, she'll cut your toes off,' Or something similar.
Note taken.
"Alright everyone! Hand in your homework please!" Mrs. Brown's voice boomed. Everyone except Percy got up to hand in their worksheets.
What a nice way to start off at a new school. By not handing in assignments. Luckily Mrs. Brown didn't seem to notice that he hadn't handed anything in because she started teaching the next class. Annabeth glanced over at him, looking a little concerned, "you didn't hand anything in..?"
Percy shook his head, "I did not understand one single bit of that shit."
She suppressed a laugh, "do you maybe want me to help you with it sometime?"
Of course he did.
He couldn't care less about the work, but spending time with her outside of school??? That sounded pretty dope to him.
"Yes please, that would be great." He answered, trying not to look too excited. She grinned, "when are you free?"
Um as soon as possible. The quicker the better right? He remembered that his Mom and step dad would be out late.... Maybe he could invite her over to his house? It was a long shot but he still tried.
"Today after school? You could come over to my place?" Annabeth nodded, but then paused. "I'm not allowed to go to boys houses by myself, doesn't matter the context." Annabeth was looking down at her shoes, blushing so deeply that her face might have exploded.
Damn it.
"Arree you allowed boys over at your place? I mean were just studying, your parents should be fine with that right?" Percy really was taking a big risk here, and if she declined it would make him look like an utter idiot.
But he was in luck, she slowly nodded her head before agreeing, "that sounds fine!"
Percy was getting better at this whole girl thing. "Great!" He said, holding in his excitement.
The rest of the class went by faster than Percy expected since he had something to look forward to. Time had a funny way of speeding up and slowing down according to the mood of a person.
Now he just had to get it to speed up so much that the last bell would ring and he could hop on over to Annabeth's place and pretend he knew how to flirt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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