Part 1

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Hey guys, this isn't gonna be that long since it's my first and all, but I hope you really like it :D 

You turned onto your side, and started to wake up. "Ugh, my head.." You said slowly, wincing at the pain. You got up, and changed from your pajamas into your school clothes. You forgot you weren't wearing a bra, and got annoyed from it. You opened your drawer, and put one on. You didn't eat breakfast and just dipped on your mom, riding your bike to school. You saw your best friend, (B/f). "Hey (Y/n)!! How are ya today? I'm so glad we're both in the same class.. I heard there were cute guys in our class~" She teased. "Oh, ahaha.. I'll just worry on school instead..." You had a light dust of blush on your face. You both walked into the classroom and sat down next to eachother. "LISTEN UP RETARDS!!" Your teacher screamed. "We have a new student today, his name is Kakyoin. He's from Japan, and he's 17. Treat him nicely." Your teacher grumbled. "Hi guys! As the teacher said, my name is Kakyoin, and all of that other stuff. I'm going to need someone to tour me around the school if it isn't too much.." He said. You raised your hand, and you weren't even sure why you raised your hand. "Oh! You back there! Thanks a lot! We can go now!" Kakyoin pointed to you in the back. You smiled slightly and started to walk into the hallway with him. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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