Chapter Two: History Partners

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I rush into class and go straight to my seat next to my best friend Kyle. She looks at me with a worried expression. Here comes the questions.

"Where were you Ally? You were almost late. Wait, did I miss something happen? Are you ok? Did you-" she asks and I end up cutting her off. Kyle and her damn questions.

"No nothing happened. I just woke up late and bumped into some guy before class. So no nothing really." I say and she frowns.

"Something happened and I want you to tell me. After class okay?" Dang this girl doesn't give up.

"Okay, okay. I will."

"Good now tell me more about this guy. What's his name? Is he cute?" God why does she ask so many questions?

"I don't know and yeah he was pretty cute." I blush for some reason. What is with me today?

"Ooo a mystery guy who's cute. Well if you see him today and I am with you point him out to me okay?"

"Sure whatever." I then open my book and start reading some boring paragraph about the Civil War or something like that.

The teacher was explaining why the war had started when mystery guy barged into the room.

"Sorry Mr. Teacher guy that I'm late I had to go get my textbooks." he said to Mr. Howard with a smirk on his face.

"It's okay now introduce yourself to your classmates Mr. Stone. Oh and my name is Mr. Howard." he says in a frustrated voice. He has anger issues. Sometimes he can be really scary.

"Oh yeah my name is Cole and I'm new here but I guess you probably already new that."

"Now that you have introduced yourself go find yourself and empty seat to sit in." Mr. Howard then goes back to teaching the lesson leaving Cole standing there looking around for a place to sit.

He looks around until his eyes land on me then the empty seat next to me. He then smiles and heads over to the empty seat. Crap! Why did there have to be an empty seat next to me. Why does he have to sit by me when he can sit at the empty seat by David the smartest kid in class.

"Hi. I'm sorry about how I acted earlier. I....I'm just kinda in one of those bad moods you get when you are forced to move away from your friends. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah I get it. I've moved from Wisconsin, which is where I was born, to New York, to Nevada, to California. I was upset having to move to L.A. at first but I got over it after I met my best friend Kyle. So yeah I know the feeling." I say remembering all the friends I left behind all those times I moved because of all my Mom's relationships that didn't work out. She just left it all behind because the heartbreak was to much for her. That's why I don't date anyone.

"Oh well it's cool to know someone here get's it." He smiles and I smile back. Maybe this is alright.

I look back to the front to my teacher who is currently talking the language boring. I look out the window and day dream. Well that is until I hear him say something about class projects. Oh god. Well I'm gonna flunk.

"Now everyone go find a partner to work with." I look over to Kyle only to see she has paired up with her boyfriend Ryan.....again. Great now who am I going to work with?

"Hey do you want to do the project with me?" he looks down at his feet nervously. Is he nervous and if he is did I make him nervous?

"Yeah sure. We can do it at my place." I say smiling. He smiles back.

"Cool. Oh and I forgot to ask. What's your name?"

"Allison. But you can call me Ally." after I tell him my name the bell rings and surprisingly he stays. I see him writing something down.

"Ok Ally. I'll see you later. Here's my number. Text me later when you wanna meet up." With that he walks away but before he does he says on last thing.

"By the way I love your name. It is really pretty." then he walks out the door leaving me sitting there blushing with a big grin on my face.


Hey people! This has been my second chapter and I'm loving it and I hope you do to. It's taking me a while typing but I'll try and get a new chapter every day.

So how r u liking the characters. My ideas for Kyle r cool but she seems really mean ditching her friend 4 her boyfriend. Anyways Ally and Cole are seek to be getting along. Tell me what ideas you have for the next chapter and I'll see what I can do.

Keep reading and comment below.

Lots of love,


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