"I will never leave you"

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Natsu p.o.v
I walked into the guild hall everyone was still down in the dumps especially me... Lucy hadn't woken since the mission... last week.
"How is she Ezra?"
"Still the same no sign of waking sorry natsu"
I walked to the infirmary and sat down by her bed.
She looked peaceful... to peaceful.
"Come on Lucy you need to wake up please don't die on us!"
"Hopefully she will wake"
I turned.
"Oh levy."
The blue haired mag sat next to me.
"Wendy is doing all she can to heal her and she has but she won't wake up."
I took Lucy's hand.
It felt like ice.
"Hey why is she so cold!?"
Levy touched her.
"I don't know I could of sworn she was warm a few minutes ago!"
"Well if you won't keep her warm I will."
I took my scarf off and wrapped it round the sleeping bonde.
"No that won't work"
I went round the other side of her and pulled the covers back.
"Hey Natsu what are you doing!!"
Mira walked in.
"What the hell is going on"
"Seen as you guys can't keep her warm I will!"
I got into the bed carefully and pulled the covers back over me and Lucy.
I moved closer and wrapped my arms round her so my unnatural heat would warm her body.
The girls watched me silently as I stayed there for a few minutes.
"Hmmm na....nastu"
Wait was that Lucy?!!?!?
I looked at her she had a smile on her face.
"Lucy are you awake?" I asked.
She snuggled further into my arms.
The girls looked over in shock.
"But how no one else could do it so why you!?"
A very confused and shocked Levy asked.
Mira looked at her.
"Because it's love Levy you read romance so can't you see that."
I smiled and went red.
I bent my head down to Lucy.
She opened her brown doe eyes.
"Yeh Luce?"
"Please don't leave me"
I put my face close to hers and kissed her on the lips.
"I promise that I will never leave you"
She smiled and  kissed me on the lips back.
"Can you help me sit up?"
I put my hand behind her back and took her and helping her up.
"Thanks... Umm levy? Mira? Please could you not tell the others I'm  up I want to surprise them."
"Ok sure Lucy"
"I won't say a thing promise"
"Thank you"

3days later.
Lucy p.o.v
"Hey Natsu you checking on Lucy again!?"
"Yeh how is she Ezra?"
"The same"
Natsu came in and saw me standing up.
"Hey what are you doing up Luce!?"
"I'm going to go down"
"Wait what??"
"Yeh and I want you with me as my boyfriend!"
She was red in the face and looking striating me.
I walked over to her and took her hand.
"Of course I will"
She gave me a bright smile.
We walked out the room the others were fighting when it went silent...
"Lucys wake!!!"
Everyone cheered.
"Yeh I'm awake and do you know why because I had all of you to support me and I had Natsu!"
She turned to me and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.
The room when silent again.
"WOOOo levy I told you it was love!!!"
"Wait you guess knew!??"
Everyone screamed.
"Yeh sorry about that..."
"So fire breath got a girl friend and Lucy too!"
I looked at gray and so did Natsu.
"Shut it ice prin..."
He was about to hit gray but I pushed him back.
I walked to gray.
"Umm Lucy what are you doing!?"
Natsu was watching me.
I sung my arm at grays head and he used both his arms to block. But I had one arm left I punched him hard in the stomach... he ended up on the floor the other side of the room.
"What the hell lucy!?"
Everyone was watching me in shock.
Natsu walked up to me.
"This is why your my girl friend!"
We kissed while everyone was stood in shock, surprise and well more shock.

Hope you  enjoyed my first one shot please tell me what you think.

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