In heat

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Lucy p.o.v
"Umm Lucy, levy and Mira could you all please come to my office"
"Sure gramps"
Me levy and Mira all got up from the bar and followed him to the office.
"Right sit down"
I looked at the girls and we all had the same look.
The 'what the heck is going on?' Look.
We sat down.
"Right you know Natsu, Gajeel and laxus are dragon slayers?"
We all nodded.
"Right well at a certain age they go through something called heat"
"What's heat?"
"Let me Finnish... heat means the mating season"
"W... what does that have to do with us?" I asked confused and worried.
"Let me think... oh yeh Natsu likes you and thus wants to have heat with you same with levy and Gajeel , and with Mira and laxus"
"Wait what?!?!" We screamed simultaneously.
Then three boys Burst through the door.
"Lucy are you ok?!"
"Mira are you ok?!"
"Levy are you ok?!"
"We're fine guys don't worry"
They looked like a mixture of relieved and disappointed.
"Oh ok"
They walked out and shut the door.
We looked at the master.
"Do you see what I mean"
We nodded.
"How can we tell that they are in heat?"
"They will be more protective like that example and clingy. After a few days they will start being sexually actively around you and if anyone tries to stop it ty at person will get hurt."
"And after mating or during they will create a mark on you meaning that you are now theirs"
"Right thank you master"- levy.
Wait isn't Wendy a dragon too?
"Wait what about Wendy"
"Oh yes I will talk to Romeo about that as she likes him and female symptoms are different"
We walked out each of us shocked with the news.
I felt warm arms go around my waist and pick me up.
I saw the others get picked up too.

"My lucy"
I blushed
He really does like me!
This story is long so it will be in multiple parts hope you like the first bit!
Also sorry this was so short.

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