She Sleeps Alone

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"It takes more than strength to find
This peace of mind"

Hope's POV

I wouldn't say that the Sweden game went off without a hitch, because it didn't. We were just able to fix the hitches. More specifically, Kling was able to fix the hitch.

And as a reward, I'll never make fun of her height ever again.

There's a sudden tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see who the culprit was.

Kelley smiled up at me brightly, "Hey."


Kelley fell silent. She often did that around me. I'm not in the least bit sure why.

"Uhhhm. Did you need something, Kelley?"

Kelley seemed caught off gaurd by the question. She stammered and rubbed her left arm harshly. I could see the skin  starting to turn red from the friction. The overwhelming urge to stop her hand came over me.

Luckily, I pride myself on self control, and I keep my hands to myself.

"Nothing in particular. Just wanted to see what you were up to...and if you wanted any company."

A soft smile that I couldn't suppress bubbled up, "I was going to check on Jade, then sit in the room and read until there's something more interesting to do. You can join if you don't think that's boring."

"I don't think anything you do is boring." Kelley blurted in one breath. I raised an eyebrow at the enthusiasm, but invited her to walk with me anyway.

Despite popular belief, I actually do enjoy spending time with teammates that aren't Carli, Abby, or Ashlyn. I especially liked hanging with Kelley. I found her playfulness refreshing.

I.E.: Kelley skipping next to me as we head for the elevator.

It's not long before I'm settled into the desk chair reading a book, while Kelley sat on my bed and watched the television. I have the sneaking suspicion the quietness of the room won't last.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Told you.

It's fine. I'm not even sure what I was reading. Mind already on the next game as usual.

"Sure." I close the book open-faced down onto the desk and swivel toward Kelley.

"I-um- what's up with you and Wambach?"

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that.

"Uh what do you mean?"

Kelley shrugged nervously, "You and her just seem to have like...a thing." Another unsure shrug.

"We're friends I guess."

A large heaving sigh leaves Kelley's body.

"We used to date off an on when Jade was a toddler, but it never lasted. We're too much alike. And I hate dating people taller than me." That last part was a joke but I don't think Kelley got that.

"You guys always seem to be dancing around each other. I guess some of the girls noticed it and they didn't want it to like get in the way of anything." Kelley was lying through her teeth. She was the sole inquisitor.

"We make each other mad a lot, but she's so close to Jade that I can't exactly tell her to fuck off, y'know? But we're definitely not getting back together. Ever. I'd rather pull out my teeth with barbed wire." Kelley, for some reason, did find that one funny.

"Okay. Good." She mumbled.

"You're weird."

She smiled, "I know. Now get back to your book, Hopey."

"Don't call me that." But I did continue to attempt to read my book.


Jade's pov

I sat at the base of a treadmill, my sketchpad in my lap, while I watched the team train.

My mom was probably somewhere by the weights. I sure she's got a spotter. I'm worried about the tanned woman on the treadmill I'm facing.

She looked like she was purposely trying to exert herself.

"Christen?" I say with concern.

She stumbled a bit at my address, but she caught herself and looked at me.

"Are you supposed to be going that fast on that thing?" I sat up, setting my sketchpad down. Then walk over to see what speed she's actually running at.

"12mph? Oh yeah! It's totally fine for me. No big deal. I go this fast in my sleep. 12 is as far as it goes. I normally run a good 15." Christen attempted to cross her arms but immediately thought against it.

"That's impressive and all, but you look like you're going to hurl."

The half grimace half smirk thing she was doing slowly dropped off her face.

"Just what every girl wants to hear."

"Sorry, but I don't want to see you get hurt or anything."

I rung my hands together in front of me, fearing I've said something to offend her.

"Oh." Is all she responds.

"PRESS! WHY ARE YOU GOING THAT FAST?!" Dawn called from across the room. She hurried to where we were, turning down Christen's speed on the treadmill. I could tell Chris was trying not to look relieved.

"Would you believe me if I said I was taking some initiative for the good of the cause?"

Dawn glanced at me for some reason, then back to Christen, "No."


"You're supposed to be doing low impact today. Not take me to God impact."

Christen eyes darted between Dawn and me, "That was my only excuse..."

Dawn only shook her head, mumbling "kids..." under her breatg, before walking away.

I turned back to Christen, "W-were you trying to impress somebody?" I sure hope she wasn't.

Christen's eyes widened like she had been caught, "N-Of course not."

She was definitely lying to spare my feelings.

"It's okay if you were. But you might have to try harder next time. Tobin wasn't looking."

I walked away before she could say anything else. I stalked over to where my mother ones and sat there quietly for the rest of the session.

I guess Mom could tell something was up because she wrapped her sweaty arm around my head and wouldn't let me go no matter how much I squirmed.

"Mom! You're sweaty!"

"You've pooped on me before. Multiple times. You can handle a little sweat."

I blushed heavily and let her hug me.

Later, when I told her and Ashlyn about what happened, they both laughed hysterically and refused to tell me why.

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