Part Two: A Stage of Silly and Immature Ideas

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So, you're wondering what immature ideas we had? Here's a list:

1. Helen's brother breaking his legs at the end of the book and Helen having to take care of him for the rest of her life.

Helena: This didn't make the cut even though Yanda asked for sad endings. Apparently it was "stupid" and not sad enough.

2. Adolpha dies.

Helena: Apparently it isn't a good idea to kill off people. Especially your main characters. Which is why.....

3. Sherry dies.

Helena: ...didn't make the cut either.

4. Natasha's mother dies.

Helena: I dunno why this didn't make the cut. Ask Yanda.

 Yanda: Because somebody ahem* coughs * Helena Tan and Happy Birthday Bear! laughed at my idea so....

Helena: Okayyyyyyyyyyy..... I never laughed. I sniggered. Then and again, u also vetoed my ideas!!!

5. Helen's brother and friend were pizza delivery men and got embedded in an elaborate love octagon [cos love triangles are overated!] ---Thanks H.B.B!

Check back soon for more blooper moments and comments from Yanda in Part 2!

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