The letter....

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That night Jamie left Adams place. they sat around and talked for about two three hours and then Jamie got a text saying to come home. She left his place and she felt she was being followed. She began to wonder if she was being followed she said in her head"nahh must be me imaging" ....that's when Adam text her
He sent"😊I had a good night with u"
She smiled and replied"yea same here bby😘" she said in her mind"w-was it to early to call him that ..SHIT!"
He replied"I love you bby😍"
She blushed "awe☺️ I love you to💘"
He replied instantly "bby I'm gonna go take a shower wish you can take one with 😏"
She giggled and replied"me to😏☺️ and ok I'll be home im still walking"
He replied"😖😰please be careful"
She text bck"I will now go take a shower💋💖"s
He replied"okay bby😊💞"
She didn't replied bck and she kept walking. She went up the steps and went through the door up to her room and laid in the bed "hehe!☺️" that's when she saw the letter she opened it "hm?" She read it
"To jamie
hElLo JaMiE hOwS It gOiNg??
dO YoU LiKe HiM or aRe yOu uSiNg hIm ?!"she skimmed down"if u don't follow the next things I send u...I will kill ur secret bf Adam! DONT GO CALLING FOR THE POLICE JAMIE IK WERE U LIVE AND ILL KILL U ASS WELL
P.s Adam will get the same letter💋😘
Sweet dreams bitch-P"

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