Chapter 32: Aftermath

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*Tina's POV*

The ride home was silent, save for a few heavy breaths from me. Ryan and Lily explained everything that happened in the complex. Lily had to explain the fact she had bunny ears pretty much five times over though.

There were a couple jerks of the car as my mom grew annoyed. "I should've gone in myself, would've saved you from having to face this so hard." her hands were on the wheel tightly still trying to concentrate on the road.

From than on there was silence until we got into town where things went a lot smoother. "There will be somebody waiting at the house for us, don't worry mom we'll have it handled," Tony told mom that way she wouldn't be freaked out. She didn't say anything, knowing that in this situation she couldn't be sure herself.

Upon getting to the house and parking the car mom was the first one out. Followed by Tony and Lily, the latter of which had to pull me out due to me refusing to move from my spot. Once I was up and out however I was able to get over to the others quickly.

Looking quickly behind me I could see Goldy, Kat, and Cookie emerge from the car. I didn't see Ryan so I'm guessing he left with the others while I wasn't looking.

Making my way up to the door, mom and Tony were holding the door for the rest of us. When I was in the door my hand went straight for my weapon handle and pulled it out in front of me.

Everybody had made it into the house and most went about the house seemingly wishing to forget about what happened over these past couple of days, especially Lily who was attempting to hide her ears the best she could.

She along with Tony and Ryan went with me to find our prisoner for lack of a better term. When we had found her she had ended up in my room.

It was pretty quiet but I could tell she was in there. In front of the door they all stood behind me "Alright when I go in you guys follow behind slowly, no scaring her or violence. It may go against everything I stand for but still." I whisper so that Lydia in the next room wouldn't hear, they nod before letting me turn to face the door.

It surprised me honestly when I opened the door and peered through the crack. Lydia was calmly sitting on my bed waiting for us, the only real movement was her nervous and cautious glances around the room.

She was rather calm considering there were people around who most likely wouldn't hesitate to kill her. I kind of hated the fact that she wasn't fearing what was coming, but that's just my nature.

Slowly I pushed the door open causing Lydia to look at me and slightly flinch. Calmly I approached her with the others behind me for the most part.

"What do you need from me?" She asked hesitantly with me and Lily coming toward her. Tony held back slightly in order for him not to lash out unexpectedly at them. "We just want any information you have on the people you work for." Lily answered quickly.

"Well I know nothing and even if I did you wouldn't know." Sadly I knew the girl was telling the truth, still I can't shake the thought that she may know something we don't. "I'll stay here for as long as you need, just please don't kill me." I sighed, we can't risk her saying anything, it's our lives on the line.

"Yeah sure you'll be a prisoner of war type person. I like that idea." I giggled a little and got her to her feet. "Also I'm sorry for what happened to your friend." Lily's ears flattened against her head.

All she does is sigh "No worries, just gotta find a way to hide it before school tomorrow." the ears folded back up against Lily's head. "What about Aqua and her parents? As soon as they find out she's gone they'll look around and possibly trace it to us." Lydia's head immediately dropped to that statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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