good night time

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i don't care when you go to sleep but my rule is that you get at least five hours.


story time

  Okay so. Once upon a time there was a quiet village (obviously). But next to the village was a big, bright city made up of glass structures. The city was gigantic and made of beautiful and elegant glass. Rainbows seemed to gleam off of every building and they seemed to try to reach to the heavens. And when you were at the very top of a building you could see everything. You could even see the little village outside of the mass place. The buildings were scattered all around and all different shapes and sizes. But there was one that was the tallest and it was in the middle of the city exactly.
It glowed even at night, all day and night it glowed like it had a golden hue. A beautiful building it was too, the top of the building was all green with delicate and colorful flowers and vines. And one day, the month or year doesn't matter but it was a warm and breezy day. A wonderful day so all the people in the city and the small town were out enjoying themselves. On this day and on the very top of the golden building, among the bright green a rainbow arrangements was a young lady.
This lady was beautiful in a different way than any other person in the city. She lived in that small town outside and only came to the glass city because her parents had passed away. Her mother had died due to childbirth complications and her father had fallen ill. She lived with her aunt, her fathers sister. Her aunt was a kind woman, strict when she had to be and empathetic.
She lived in the very golden building that the young girl was on top of at the moment. That girls name was Whimsy. She had short, brown, curly hair and freckles. Her freckles were all different colors, and that was what made her different. But no one ever judged her for them, they adored her colorful and almost magical looks. Her eyes were hazel, brown with specks of green and gold. She wore dungarees with a sort sleeved yellow and white striped t-shirt. She had peachy golden skin with the rainbow freckles on her shoulders and arms too.
When people looked at her they were mesmerized to say the least, she was very noticeable. She brought a smile to peoples faces with her brightness. And she smiled to them too, she was happy with her life. She took care of her garden and sold flowers on the streets. People always wanted a lovely flower from a friendly girl.
But back to this day's significance. On this day a boy had traveled up to Whimsy's garden. His name was Victor, he was short with piercing blue eyes and messy strawberry blond hair. He watches the bright lady walk around her garden watering her plants. He knew he was being intrusive but she was just so mysterious to him.
He stopped suddenly when he saw a hanging plant. The hanging plant was a golden flower with sparking pale yellow anthers. He stared at it and reached out to touch it, he put his index finger onto a petal. It was soft and silky, comforting. He held it now at the base of the stem and plucked it carefully. It was okay to just take one, right?
Suddenly he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. "What are you doing?" a sweet voice asked. He turned around to see the colorful lady.
"Oh! Well you see...I'm sorry I plucked this flower," he explained and held the beautiful flower out to her.
She looked at the flower and tilted her head, "Why did you pick it? You didn't ask if you could."
The boy looked down in shame, "It was so pretty that I didn't even think before I did."
The lady before him smiled and held her hand out, he could see the multicolored freckles on her skin. "My name is Whimsy," she spoke, "What's yours?"
The boy shook her hand shyly, holding the flower close to himself again so it'd be safe. "My name is Victor," he answered.
"Well Victor, do you know anyone who would like that flower?" she asked.
Victor thought a moment and handed the flower out again, "You?"
Whimsy chuckled, eyes shining in amusement, "Why? I have so many more just like it," she said. "Do you have a mother or father who would like it?"
Victor shook his head, "I've never met my mother and my father doesn't like flowers."
Whimsy looked at the boy with a new look, "Well who doesn't like flowers! Maybe if we showed him how lovely this flower is he'll accept it." The boy looked happily at the lady and nodded excitedly.
And so Whimsy and Victor set off together to the boys home. To the shortest of all the glass buildings. They went into Victors home to find his father at their wooden table putting a black and white puzzle together. In fact, all of their house was black and white. Some grey was here and there as well but the whole house was dull and lifeless except for the people inside it. Whimsy was the most colorful thing inside when she stepped in beside Victor.
The man at the table looked at them with wide eyes, "Who are you?"
Whimsy smiled, "My name is Whimsy. Victor has a gift for you," she lightly pushed Victor forward.
Victor walked slowly to his awaiting father and presented him the golden flower. It seemed to glow in the plain room.
The man stared at the delicate thing and carefully took it in his hands. "Where did you get this?" he asked quietly.
"I picked it from Whimsy's garden," the boy answered, just as hushed.
The father of the boy looked up again at the smiling lady by the door. He looked back at his smiling son and smiled back, "It's gorgeous."
"Really?" Victor exclaimed with a big smile. His father had never liked colors very much. If that wasn't already obvious from their decorative choices.
"Really," his father stated with an equivalent bright smile.
Whimsy left through the door and walked back home with a smile on her face. And once again, she had returned color to people's lives.
And from then on little Victor and his father started their own garden. Now their house was almost as colorful as Whimsy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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