See You in Hell

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Love comes with conditions when it comes to you.
Man and Woman bound for life, even if your own well-being is compromised. You're stuck in the cement you poured for yourself.
You judge like you did six years at law school. Handing down sentences to the innocent and pure.
You're hateful of what you do not know and you refuse to learn.
Asking for forgiveness is not the same as earning it.
The same mistake made over and over becomes a choice and you become an unkind person.
'Children are inherently sinful' I hear you say and I am left wondering how you are able to believe this as you look at the face of your beautiful baby.
You believe cheating people is apart of life, but you put yourself above those who practice free love. I am sorry you grew up in a home where this was taught.
Now you have the option to change but you choose to stay with the flock. I appreciate the irony of sheep being both mindless animals and being used as a metaphor to describe followers of your God.
I wish you all the happiness.
I hope you learn compassion, humility and kindness.
Just know, when I am burning in hell, I'll be having one hell of a time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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