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The judges are high rank authors so do your best to have high scores.
Keep it up, we go up.

💙Title (10)
the title must go with the story

💙Cover (10)
the cover should be attractive and go with the story, don't forget to include SB19/SB19 members

💙Grammar (25)
grammar needs to be readable

💙Descriptions (15)
the description attracts most of the readers so make sure the book has a good description

💙Plot (15)
the plot is the back bone. Look at the development and implementation

💙Writing Skills (25)
what are the skills of the writers when they write their stories

Total 100

"For Poetry"

💙Title (10)
the title must go with the story

💙Cover (10)
the cover should be attractive and go with story

💙Grammar (25)
grammar needs to be readable

💙Creativity (15)
every poet has something special and unique. How unique is the idea?

💙Description (18)
the description attracts most of the readers so make sure the book has a good description.

💙Fluency (15)
does the poem flow well?

💙Enjoyment (10)
did you enjoy reading poetry?

Total 100

Good luck!

"Unleash your creativity through Wattpad"

Awarding for SB19 Wattpad Writers🏆 Where stories live. Discover now