tag 1

89 12 41

Yeah so it's a first for me but lately i got tagged by a whole lot of people so i thought to myself, might as well try this.
I got tagged by iamspidergroot she is an amazing person and  -Holland-Maniax- my good friend Carly.

So here goes nothing i guess.

1) do you like someone?
If loving your bestfriend counts than yes that's simran my babe obviouslyMOshimnie101
And even if it doesn't i have a lot of crush, EVERYONE knows that so yeah.

2)do they like you back?
Read the above answer i am not typing that shit  again

3) middle name?
I don't have one

4) single/taken?
Single, i mean that's obvious.

5)last person i texted?
It's my best friend simran MOshimnie101 i am probably gonna mention her a hell lot of times.

6)last song i listened to?
Play by Alan walker.
Hey am i going to meet any walkers anytime soon? It's been a long time.

7) battery percentage?
16% probably gonna have to charge after i am done with this shit.

8)girl bestfriend?
Do i really need to say? It's obvious by now. MOshimnie101

9)guy best friend?
Well i went to an all girls school and was a room person as a kid so i never really had one but here on Wattpad
davidparker669  since i talk with him the most and we rant on and on about different shits which makes sense sometimes, sometimes they don't.
He is a great guy and amazing to be around with but i am not supposed to admit it lol coz then he probably won't shut up about it again. I have experienced that.

Probably delena

11)why i made up an account?
All because of my best friend MOshimnie101 yup. She told me it would be amazing for me .since i loved to write and read and let's be honest if your bestfriend asks you to do something , it's impossible to not do it.
It's ironic how that little bitch isn't even active that much anymore.

12)home screen?
That's like a face reveal of me and my cousins. So not gonna do it.

13) birthday?
13th July

Okay so now time for tags, all of you are obligated to hereby do this tag since i did it too lol. Just kidding it's your own wish.















Yup that's it for now

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