Chapter Fourteen.

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"What are you doing here." My voice held disgust. I had zero interest in seeing the man who stood before me and he needed to feel it too. I inwardly groaned as I rose from where I sat. My tongue clicked against my teeth as his eyes briefly rolled back.

"Don't act like you haven't been thinking about me either." Stephen chided before he realized how cocky he sounded. He immediately sputtered the next few words out. "B-because I've been thinking about you."

My ex boyfriend was the last person I would expect to see, in front of my house nonetheless. It had been months since we've last spoken each other. If spoken was actually the right word. I more so witness him cheating then subsequently left the scene of the crime. He should've been shipped off far away by now. Or going college hopping. Just somewhere that wasn't right in front of me. I dusted off my hands before I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Seriously, I have." Stephan murmured as he kicked his foot awkwardly at the ground. I forgot how obviously handsome he was. The slight difference was the facial hair and his muscles looked more toned. I mentally scolded myself for staring.

"Yeah I'm sure." I scoffed. "You're delusional if you don't remember why we broke up in the first place." I glared at him menacingly. He deserved to eat dirt and then go away. "What are you even doing here?" This was far from home.

"I actually got my first choice... Stanford University."

"What happened to Dartmouth."

"I'm tired of the east coast, you know that." Stephan spoke softly.

"I don't care to keep knowledge pertaining to you in my head." I jeered back at the taller man before me. Stanford was closer to where I lived compared to Pennsylvania that's for sure. Summer was approaching quickly and I hoped he wasn't looking to try and hang out. Where he thought he had an opening was beyond me. I deleted his number and blocked him on anything else I used. It's been months so why couldn't he see I didn't want anything to do with him?

It struck me that Embry might have had the same thought process. I bit my lip anxiously hoping I didn't entirely burn that bridge off.

"I just wanted to-"

"Tristan!" Alexis's voice called out to me in utter surprise. I was so grateful for her perfect timing. As usual, Seth had been trailing behind her with bags of groceries. Her eyes landed on mine before she saw that Stephan was accompanying me. "Back!" Alexis exclaimed as she ran to throw her arms around my shoulders. One leg outstretched to Stephan's direction to keep him away from me. "Back you cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!" She spoke dramatically as she glared at him. She started jabbing her foot in the air. Stephan had thrown his hands up to show he meant no harm. "What are you even doing here? You don't live anywhere near here." She continued to glare at him. It was cute that she was angry at him by association. I wouldn't be mad at her if she still wanted to speak to him. "Are you stalking her! Is he stalking you? Did you follow you all the way from Pennsylvania?!" She looked at me with wide eyes. I could only throw her an incredulous look, because I didn't know.

"You left La Push?"

"That's none of your business!" Alex barked back at his question. I bit back my laughter at my sister's feistiness. I can damn well take care of myself but it was a sweet sentiment for her to do so. Stephan scratched the back of head awkwardly; hopefully weighing in his unwanted presence. He took a tiny step back only to bump into Seth's towering body.

"Er, I'll drop by some other time... I'm going to be with my grandparents. I just wanted to talk..." Stephan grumbled as he kept his eyes low.

"Fat ch—" I held up my hand before Alexis could finish her sentence. She tightly pressed her lips with an eye roll but backed off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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