Chapter one

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Hi, I'm back with a DaiYan fic as requested ^-^ Do feel free to comment here any requests for any ywy ships, I will try my best to meet your expectations heh. Anyways, enjoy this fic and remember to hit the vote button so that more people can see the fic :)
As Daimeng was sitting on the couch watching her dramas, she came to a rather frustrating conclusion.

Daimeng was really, really fucking horny. Shifting her legs around on the couch did little to relieve the tension and if anything only added to her agitation. It was the type of arousal that wouldn't go away no matter how many times she came as long as it was from her own hand. And it was all Yuyan's fault.

Although Daimeng supposes if she were to be entirely honest with herself it's probably partially her fault too.

But it was mostly Yuyan's.

After all, while one could argue that it's Daimeng's fault for watching Yuyan masturbate, if the girl wasn't masturbating to begin with then Daimeng would have had nothing to accidentally walk in on and watch.

...except the more that Daimeng thought about it, the more it sounded like she was shaming Yuyan for something perfectly natural, which Daimeng absolutely did not want to do. So she supposes it is her fault entirely then, but in her defense it wasn't like she planned on watching Yuyan masturbate.

It happened several days ago, right before the holidays. The dorm was slowly emptying out, with all of the trainees going home to visit their family. Xiaotang had gone to Shuxin's at her parent's insistence, and Jiaqi had scored an invite to Xueer's house. Yuxin's family was visiting, which had left Daimeng to spend the holidays alone at the dorm. Yuyan's family was away for the holiday, so Yuyan naturally decided to stay with Daimeng to ensure the girl wasn't lonely, nothing more, nothing less, even if certain people (Jiaqi) hinted otherwise. It had absolutely nothing to do with the long standing crush Yuyan had on the other girl, not in the slightest.

It was only a day after everyone had emptied out the dorm when Daimeng had woken up from the couch. She must have dozed off while watching her drama, which she normally would have been more upset with if the drama was actually any good. Honestly at this point Daimeng was mostly watching the drama just so she could finish it and be able to hold her own on a debate if anyone were to argue its merits (not that it had any) with her.

She got off the couch and stretched, groaning as she felt her joints pop, her muscles screaming at her for the awkward position her body was in when she fell asleep on the couch. Exercise and stretching were probably the ideal solutions to the pain, so naturally Daimeng decided to take another nap instead.

As she was shuffling to their room in the back, Daimeng's ears perked, a faint whimper reaching her ears. Frowning, Daimeng slowed her walk, creeping closer to the door, stopping just shy of opening it, waiting until she confirmed what she heard earlier: another whimper.

Was Yuyan crying?

Daimeng slowly eased her head past the slightly opened door, her eyes zooming in on Yuyan, not wanting to intrude on the girl or startle her too badly if the girl was crying. Instead however, Daimeng's eyes widened, her question dying on her lips from the sight in front of her.

Yuyan's hair was a tousled mess, splayed across her pillowcase like a halo, while Yuyan herself was sprawled across her bed in nothing but a large, oversized shirt that was thin enough that Daimeng could see her nipples straining against the fabric. Yuyan was biting the thumb of one hand, her whimpers muffled ever so slightly, while the other hand...

Daimeng nearly let out a whimper of her own at the sight of it. Yuyan's hand was buried between her legs, and while Daimeng couldn't see much more than that, she could hear the slick sounds of Yuyan's fingers easing in and out, and the delightful sounds Yuyan was making because of it.

This was wrong, Daimeng knew that watching her roommate/groupmate/object of her affections masturbating without her knowledge was a huge invasion of privacy and trust. Despite that though Daimeng found herself rooted in place, her feet unable to move as she stood stock still, taking in the scene.

Another groan shook Daimeng out of her trance, Yuyan's back arching as she turned her head towards the door. Luckily for Daimeng Yuyan's eyes were screwed shut in pleasure, but Daimeng took this as a sign to finally usher her body away from the door before she got caught. Daimeng turned around, about to walk down the hallway and turn the TV back on with as loud of a volume as she could stand, when an absolutely sinful groan floated towards the door, the sound of it etching itself in Daimeng's memory.

"Fuck, yes, Daimeng!"

Keeping you company [Diamond and Yuyan oneshot]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz