(1.5) You've Gotta Quirk for It!

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[Image: "The Unknown (Nani Chirin)" by RaaorQtpbpty]

"WHAT‽" demanded all the students in unison. They started complaining about how that was crazy, and terribly unfair. Hansho in particular looked very worried about his chances, but Katsumi didn't see this as a problem, she saw this as an out. If the school board hadn't filled Ayane's seat in the hero course, then chances were Katsumi's seat in the support course was still open as well, just waiting for her to get the chance to claim it. If she was expelled from the hero course, she could do just that. All she had to do was fail the quirk exam.

"A lot of things in life aren't fair," Aizawa explained, shutting them up. "Heroes are the ones who are supposed to even the playing field against things like natural disasters and rampaging villains that most people don't have a chance against. If you don't have a chance of doing that, then I see no reason to keep a student with no potential as a hero in the hero course.

"It's not going to be all fun and games if you want to be a hero. During these next few years, UA will run you through the wringer, and if you can't take it, then there's no point lingering. But if you think you've got what it takes, then give it all you've got and then some. That's Plus Ultra."

None of the students argued after that. Even if they still had complaints, they realized that it wasn't a debate. The entrance exam hadn't even been the qualifying round of this crazy, hardcore tournament they'd signed themselves up for, and if they wanted to win, if they wanted to survive, there was no room for complaining or slacking off. This was a war zone.

Katsumi was in the last group to run the fifty meter dash, so she got observe all her classmates quirks while she waited for her turn. Ayashimu was in the first pair, and showed off her telekinetic ability once more by levitating herself, and throwing herself through the air at high speed, and falling into an awkward somersault when she reached the end with a time of 2.71 seconds. Surprisingly, however, a blond boy named Hitoiki Ayumu was the first to finish, with a time of .29 seconds. Katsumi assumed he must have teleported.

The second group was Chirin and Hansho. Chirin also appeared to have a telekinetic ability at first, but then Katsumi noticed the footprints left behind as she completed the run in 5.97 seconds, and concluded that she had been carried the distance by a large, invisible, bipedal creature. She couldn't tell what Hansho's quirk was, based on this test, perhaps it wasn't well suited for running, but he still finished with a pretty impressive time of 5.21 seconds.

Zenchi Heihomame, a smallish boy with dark skin and an inexplicable silvery quality about him which couldn't be contributed solely to his silver hair, muttered the whole time he was walking to the start line, and when the buzzer indicated for the dash to start, his shoes sprouted wheels and rockets and propelled him to the finish in 3.92 seconds, at which point the wheels and rockets disappeared and he tumbled ungracefully onto his rear. He could have had an object transformation quirk, Katsumi reasoned. She didn't see the other boy, Hibiki Hiretsuna, at all when he was supposed to run, but his time was 6.97 seconds.

Neither Hexum nor Sora Keien, a thin, blond boy, less than a meter and a half tall, showed off their quirks either. Keien tried to do something with the dirt, but evidently it didn't have the desired affect, and his short legs obviously didn't do him any favors in the running department. They finished with 7.45 and 7.85 seconds, respectively.

Hatsuko Kisho, a girl with scales and fangs, obviously some kind of serpent mutation quirk, sprinted with the speed and ferocity of a striking viper, completing with a time of 7 seconds even. Nioubo jumped up and down at the starting line before the buzzer went off, and leaped forward like he was weightless, taking the whole distance in five, ten meter leaps, and 6.29 seconds.

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