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My english sucks I'm so sorry-
End 💌
Harvey Was eating Cereal in the kitchen, He had just woken up and was waiting for the others to wake up to. He was still a little tired. After he was done eating he got up and Cleaned the bowl and then went back into his room
"I'm just gonna go back to sleep.."
Harvey mumbled to himself Before He could hear Something Basically Zooming down the stairs.
"wait wha the-"
Harvey was Concerned, He didn't know if it was one of Them falling down the Stairs or Running. He sighed and got up to check The Top of the stairs.
There He Saw George Holding his head
"You Okay George?"
George Nodded and Got up,It looked like he was in a rush.
"Are you sure?"
George Nodded again and Zoomed Away.
"Oh, Okay-"
Harvey was concerned But he went back to his room.

George Scurried Away and fell again.
He didn't Care he Needed to Get to Jacob to Talk to him about Some things. Once George got to his Computer he sat down and called Jacob.
George Needed to Catch his breath,He could Barely Breathe But he Kept talking anyways.
"I Can't,Do- a video today I feel Kinda sick"
Jacob Understood and Sighed
"it's okay! You should rest if your sick"
George Wanted to keep talking to Jacob,But he Knew that he couldn't
George tried to Sound Happy,but he clearly wasn't
Jacob cooed and Hung up.

Zak Had just woken Up,He Was oddly Hungry.
Zak Groaned And Got up.

Harvey Jumped and Got up,He headed To Zak's room and opened the door "What?"
Harvey Groaned,He just wanted to sleep.
"Can you cook bacon?I'm hungry"
Harvey Frowned then Nodded.

George Yawned And headed To the Stairs Getting ready to go back to His room. He Was to tired to See Harvey Walking Down. When he Had noticed it was to Late and Harvey Fell onto George And they Both Fell down the stairs. Harvey Had landed On top of George.
"Sorry George!"
George Didn't care,he felt like it was his Fault for not paying attention
"It's okay,Get off of me Now please"
George Laughed Through His British Accent
"yes of course-"
Harvey Got up and Helped George Up.
"Sorry Once again"
Harvey Felt Bad, George looked tired.
"No it's alright"
George Giggled Awkwardly and Scratched The Back of his head
"Well,I'm gonna go to my room"
Harvey Nodded and Headed to the kitchen

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