Chapter Six: Partied Out

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The kingdom had been very calm lately, with almost no ogre attacks, which was very odd. King Moe had gotten suspicious of the silence. He ordered everyone around, even Gaston, who was staying in the castle until the wedding. He bustled about, telling his soldiers to patrol the borders. Colette and Belle exchanged exhausted looks.
"Moe, dear, maybe the ogres were tired of losing. You shouldn't send your men out to tire themselves over nothing. The ogres are gone and why aren't we celebrating that? How about a nice feast tomorrow night? Before Belle's wedding, and we can invite the kingdom. It would mark that a great evil has left us." Colette loved to organize parties. She loved being social, which was one quality that Belle had never gotten. Belle smiled in approval. She had grown very much obedient to her parents, learning their ways for when she became Queen. Moe was resistant, but saw the look in Colette's face and instantly agreed with her. His family was his weakness. He would do anything for them. The feast was scheduled.
Gold and blue banners hung from the ceiling. King Moe had to be busy, so when he was told to stop fretting over the ogres, he turned his full attention to the décor for the party. In one day, he had put in a week's worth of effort and décor. Guests filed in, looking all around oohing and aahing. Colette and Belle entered the party. The guests all looked at them. Belle was looking stunning in a beautiful gold dress. It was puffy and uncomfortable. Belle was no longer concerned about how comfortable something was, but if it would please the villagers. She could only concentrate on making people happy. The boys looked at her and spit out their drinks. She smiled at everyone who ran up to greet her. Colette was looking very proud next to her.
When all the guests were seated, King Moe stood up. He was proposing a toast, which made Belle remember the first war she had ever strategized and won.
"Tonight, we honor the kingdom. We have driven the ogres out of our land, now we can live in peace without feeling threatened. No more ogres!" With that toast came many shouts and cheers. Belle studied her guests when others were eating. She was not hungry. A hand was laid upon hers and she turned to see her mother smiling at her. Belle smiled back, she was so happy that there were no ogres left

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