Run Away.

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Soobin blew raspberry as he swirled his champagne glass. Anyone that looked hard enough could tell he was sick of this stupid gala. His father had dragged him to this event to, as he put it, get to know the business order.

Soobin wanted nothing to do with his dad's company. Call him ungrateful but he wanted nothing to do with his dad's money either. His dad went on and on about the importance of inheriting the family business. The company was built by his great great great great grandfather.

Soobin didn't want to sit in an office 10 hours a day and run around making business deals like his dad did. Soobin has dreams. Real dreams. His father, unfortunately, didn't care about said dreams. He wanted Soobin to live a fully planned out and secure life. The life Soobin wanted nothing to do with.

He downed the rest of his champagne and looked around the room. Looking for something that might interest him. He didn't see anything, until he looked towards the entrance of the event hall.

Standing there was a boy who looked to be about his age. Wearing a black velvet suit, which was undoubtedly Valentino, and perfectly done dark blue hair. The boy had pretty pink soft looking lips, fair skin, and soft features. In short, he was beautiful.

Soobin had never seen someone so distinctive. The boy looked just about as bored as Soobin did.

Soobin was mesmerized by the other boy's looks. He was like a work of art in a museum, you like to stare at it and try to figure out the meaning without reading the actual story.

Suddenly, the boy made eye contact with Soobin.

Soobin panicked, but he couldn't move. The boy looked confused at first but then his lips slowly curved upwards. He smiled and waved curtly. This boy had Soobin's breath caught in his throat. He almost didn't even realize he wasn't breathing.

Soobin waved back, still looking star struck. He couldn't hear it, but he was pretty sure the boy had giggled.

Soobin imagined it to be something angelic, something he could record and play on repeat to no end. Soobin was never one to believe in love at first sight, and this was no exception. However, Soobin felt something bubble inside of him. Maybe it was just the champagne talking but maybe it wasn't.

The panic again arose inside of him when the boy started walking over to his table. Soobin fixed his posture and put on the best smile he could muster up.

"Hi." The boy chimed. "I'm Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun."

"S-Soobin. Choi Soobin." Soobin stammered.

"So we share a surname, funny." Yeonjun laughed.

"God, I hope we're not related." Soobin whispered to himself.


"Nothing." Soobin waved him off. "What brings you here?"

"My dad is the CEO of Choi foods, the brother company to Hyunhwa Produce." Yeonjun replied.

In other words, their dads were close.

"Actually, my dad is the CEO of Hyunhwa Produce." Soobin said.

"Small world." Yeonjun giggled.

Angelic indeed.

"Do you want to talk outside?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin was a little caught off guard by this.

Soobin nodded curtly and stood up from his seat. "Sure, I'm getting sick of this gala anyway."

Yeonjun flashed a smile and followed his lead.

The pair walked outside and started walking along the trail that led to the back garden of the event hall. The trail was lit with tall lamp posts and fairy lights.

Run Away | YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now