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We wake up to pounding on the door.
"What the f-" I say then get up out of bed and look through the pep hole as Sk8 starts to wake up.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask pissed stepping outside so we don't wake the others
"Who the hell was that on your Instagram?" My ex, Bryces voice booms
"Why do you care? We broke up over a month ago because you tried to RAPE me Bryce! Not to mention you cheated MULTIPLE times! If you don't leave right now I'm getting a restraining order," I say. I can't believe this is happening. A tired looking Nate opens the door
"Who is this?" Nate asks and I sigh
"My ex who won't leave me the hell alone," I say glaring at Bryce with crossed arms
"I suggest you leave right now buddy, unless you want to get your ass beat," Nate says
"Oh my god I'm so scared," Bryce says sarcastically and Nate lunges at him and starts beating the shit out of him
"NATE! Oh dear god," I try to pull Nate off of Bryce
"What the hell?" Sammy says coming out of his room and helping me get Nate off of Bryce
"I'll take care of this kid, Allie go clean Nate up," Sammy says and I nod
"Nate What tge hell was that?" I ask as I'm cleaning up his knuckles
"Baby I'm sorry. I was protecting you. I heard you yelling and I was worried," Nate says
"Shit. I know you were trying to protect me but you need to figure out another way to get your anger out baby," I say as he hops down from the counter. He hugs me and I feel a few tears escape from my eyes
"Baby I'm so so so sorry," Nate says
"I'm not crying because of that Nate. I didn't think I would ever see him again. He did a shit ton of damage to me. I told him I wasn't ready to have sex and he raped me Nate. He used to beat me," I say crying and Nate hugs me tighter
"I'm so sorry that that happened to you babygirl. You know I wouldn't pressure you to do something you wouldn't want to do or lay a hand on you right?" He asks and I nod wiping the tears from my eyes
"Baby?" I say as he's walking out
"Hm?" He says turning around to look at me
"I love you," I say and he smiles
"I love you more babygirl," he says kissing me then we both go to bed. The next day I get on a sweatshirt and shorts.
"Wouldn't you be hot baby? It's like 90 degrees out," skate says and I shake my head no
"I'll be fine," I say and he kisses my head
"Let's get going then," he says and I smile. When he takes my hand my sleeve comes up a bit revealing my cuts. I pray he didn't notice. I look at his eyes and their all watery like he's about to cry.
"Lil mamma you are beautiful, amazing, and the kindest person I've ever met. Why?" He says with his voice cracking
"Babe... I wasn't in the right space of mind. He would tell me things that nobody should say to another human being. Calling me worthless, trash, and he slut shamed me all the time. I'm so sorry," I say and he hugs me and we both start to cry. As we pull away he kisses my head
"I'm sorry we didn't meet sooner. I would've helped you get out of that relationship right away," he says and I sigh
"Nate it's not your fault," I say and then kiss him. We walk to Epcot since it's right by our hotel. He holds my hand as we walk. Nate and I take pictures with all the characters at Epcot (not because he wanted to but because I forced him to). We go to the fish and chips (fries in America) stand in England and we eat at a table. A bunch of fans come up to us.
"Nate why are you with that slut?" A fan screams and nates eyes which used to be a chocolate brown  turn a shade of black. He stands up
"Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say?" Nate asks and the fan rolls her eyes
"I said why. Are. You. With. That. Slut," the fan repeats
"Why don't you respect me and my GIRLFRIEND and get the fuck away from us because NOBODY will call my girlfriend a slut. Go the fuck away!" He says and she leaves
"If anyone else has something rude to say about Allie than you can leave too," Nate says and two other people leave.
"You're so pretty," a fan says to me
"Aww thanks sweetheart. What's your name?" I ask
"Millie," she says and I sign the book she gave me to sign
"Thank you so much Allie!" She says and I nod
"Of course!" I say smiling and all the fans leave
"You okay?" Nate asks and I nod
"The question is are YOU okay?" I ask and he shrugs
"I just don't want you to hurt yourself again." He says and I kiss him
"I won't baby I promise," I say and he puts up his pinky
"Pinky swear?" He asks and I laugh
"You're such a child," I say interlocking my pinkie with his

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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