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Keishin: "Ok now that everyone is here. Since you guys already know that we are going to the training camp today."

Hinata: YEAH! I can't wait.

Tsuki: "do u alway have to be so loud it's just a training camp".

Hinata: "yeah but i only went to one ."

Kageyama: "and you were also loud when we went to that one to ."

Hinata: Hey that's was.....

Keishin: "HEY SHUT UP U TWO.!!
Both of you are always so loud. Ok back to what I was saying. This is not just any training camp, takeda!!

Takeda: "yes,um so it was supposed to be just us but then some other teams wanted to have the training camp with us and I thought it would be good practice so I say yes."

Daichi: "Ok so who's all coming to then camp then coach."

Keishin: Nekoma, Aobajohsai, fukurōdani, and date tech

Hinata: "yes I get to see kenma and the great King is going to be there to."

Kageyama pov: damn why does he have to come geez he pisses me off and it's not better that he also likes hinata. I have to keep him away from hinata.

Takeda: ok everyone the bus is here let's get going.

Everyone one starts to make there way to the bus and Hinata's the first one on the bus and he picks the backseat. Everyone else gets on the bus and Kageyama ends up sitting by Hinata.

Kageyama pov: why do I have to sit by him geezs. Ok it will be fine as long as he does fall asleep.

Hinata: I wonder since it's going to be awhile until we get there if I could fall asleep for a bit I think it should be ok.

Hinata ends up falling asleep. While Hinata's asleep the bus hits a bump and Hinata's head ends up on Kageyama's shoulder.

Kageyama: hey..
Kageyama pov: shit he's sleeping and he looks so cute ahh what do I do!! Ok it's fine I will let him sleep since we are almost there but why is this have to happen my heart is beating so fast I need to clam down.

They finally get there the bus pulls up to the camp.

Daichi: ok everyone where here.

Kageyama gets up and gets off the bus faster then anyone . Hinata ends up waking up because his head fell on to the other seat that Kageyama was sitting on.

Hinata: "oh were here yeah."

Suga: "ok Hinata grab your stuff we are the last one so let's get going."

Hinata: "Ok!"

Everyone gets off and goes and puts there stuff away.

Hinata: "takeda where are the other teams."

Takeda:" I think some of them are coming tomorrow and I think aobajohsai is supposed to be here to day maybe there be here later but should go and practice."

Hinata: "ok thanks takeda"

After practice~~~

Daichi: ok that's all for today's practice let's clean up.

Everyone one is cleaning then there here the gym doors open and it's aobajohsai. Hinata sees the great King. Hinata walks over to him to say.

Kageyama pov: great he's here now .
Kageyama looks at oikawa and oikawa looks back at him and smirks .
Kageyama pov: I hate him and ofc Hinata goes and says hi to him ghh.

Hinata: "hey great King".

Oikawa leans over and pats Hinata on the head

Oikawa: "I told u to just call me oikawa."

Hinata:" ugh ok oikawa-chun"

Kageyama: "oh hey Shittykawa." Kageyama said as he steps in front of Hinata.

Oikawa:" oh if it isn't Kageyama "

Both of the boys glare at each other.

Am sorry but am bad at spelling and that but damn looks like thinks are heating up I wonder how this camps going to be like and will someone else be added to all this or no keep reading to find out .

Oikawa X Hinata X Kageyama x Others  (smut Warning)Where stories live. Discover now