Infobroker!Izuku AU

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In a world where superhuman powers,called quirks,were used for good and evil there was a boy who stood in between. Defying rules and protocols of heros and taking in the villains logic, as to why? He was an info broker, he gave information to villains and heroes alike and made sure that he didn't get hurt in the process, he was very good agility wise and he always had fun fights,in his mind, and when he did, on occasion, kill someone for they had perhaps broken the rules of the forsaken bond that had been created for the exact information that they had and the boy wanted, or that the boy had and they wanted, it was a simple rule that he had and they had to follow, but they somehow ended up breaking it at the last minute right when they were going to get the information to.

A green haired boy was seen in a bar, drinking what looked to be gin. He took a sip as he opened his mouth showing off his sharp teeth that could tear the skin off a dragon, all the while keeping a sharp eye on all of the people that were looking over to him, tracing him with their eyes as they looked over his good figure.

A black haired man scowled in disgust as he swore he was going to gouge their eyes out and make it as painful as he possibly could.

"Now why don't we get started!" a blue haired male walked out of the a door as the green haired male placed the cup at the edge of the bar table. He looked at the man suspiciously but mostly curious as he really really wanted to know what quirk he had, he almost drooled thinking of the possibilities that had arisen. But was stopped as he realized what he was actually here for. He cleared his throat as he waved at the shaggy haired man.

"My name is Shigiraki Tomura, apart of the League of Villains or L.o.V., I am here to get information on All Might." He bowed down to the info breaker as the boy crossed his legs looking at him as he stuck a hand out. Seemingly about to use his quirk as he lowered his hand down to touch the blue haired man's head before ruffling the shaggy blue hair, the green haired boy giggled slightly, a honey dripping sweet giggle that resounded through out the bar as all the villains seemed to submit while half the villains seemed jealous at the touch of affection that Tomura was getting, and they were not.

Soon enough he lifted his hands and placed both of them in his lap delicately as the black haired man promised to himself that he would make the boy wash his hands three times over after he'd touched the man's greasy and unwashed hair.

"All Might... right? I have a lot of information on him...but, it'd cost you Shigiraki-san, my prices aren't cheap." Tomura was taken aback at the seriousness that had taken over the small framed boys voice, he stood up and sat on the stool ashen brown stool that had yellow fluff coming out of it, as he asked Kurogiri for a drink, how in the world did he know what pro hero he wanted to get information on he remained in his stoic position as his face slightly twitched downwards slightly.

Tomura nodded his head hesitantly unsure if he should even ask the green haired male questions if his quirk was to read minds but what if it wasn't, "So...what do you want to know about him?" the green haired boy asked once again.

Tomura answered hastily.
Tomura stumbled over his words as he struggled to get them out."I w-want to know All Might's stren-gths, we-weaknesses, habits, t-teaching m-methods, everything." The green haired male was not surprised, plenty of villains, as such, wanted to rule and run the world and the only way to do that was to take down the Symbol of Peace, but they had all failed either dying before they even got close to taking him down, or going and getting thrown in jail. They had all been the same and he'd wondered how Tomura-san was going to be different.

"I could give you the information for free...but on one condition," The green haired male fiddled with his hair twirling his finger around his green hair as he clicked his tongue.Truth is he was so interested in the blue haired man he didn't notice that his phone was buzzing in his back pocket, nor did he notice that his associate has slyly taken it.

"You see Shigaraki-san I've placed a bet on you, a bet between myself and only myself. I want you to take down All Might,...if you do defeat him in the process, my body goes to you, if you don't, I kill you in cold blood, I'll supply you with information on the heroes and what will happen on later dates." The male smiled as he laid his head down on the cold, bar counter.

"So that a deal?"
Tomura had to admit, he was quite surprised at the green haired boy's proposal, how long had the frail boy placed this bet on him in the first place, what the hell? He sighed quietly as he realized the benefits of this little 'bet' that the info broker had placed on him and himself, if so that would mean that...he would get two things that he wanted.

"I...accept." He said warily, his decision had been decided and a mischievous giggle resounded once again.

"Im happy to be working with you, but just to let you know-" the green haired boys tone got dark, and an aura that seemed to weigh down on everyone heavily was suddenly submitted into the air "I do keep up my deals and if you fail me, I will kill you."

"Izuku stop this" the man that stood behind him tapped on his shoulder as the boy now known as Izuku was looking behind him, towards the man that was holding his phone out towards him, he pouted cutely and took the phone realizing that his friend had texted him at least 50 times in the last hour that he had been in the bar he scrolled down to the last text message that had been sent.

I'm coming to get you nerd, get your crap ready and be at the door

Izuku panicked a bit, lifting up off of the stool his trench coat flipping upwards as it showed off his butt, but he stepped up before anyone could see his backside and ran out the door looking at Tomura.

"See you later Shigi-san" he smiled deviously and ran out the door, quickly opening it as he almost flashed the whole bar, the black haired man face-palming as he noted on how careless Izuku could be, he walked out the door but not without a few words of his own.

"If you play with the young Prince's feelings...bad things will come for you." the black haired man said as he too walked out the door, closing it.

Tomura was stuck, did he make the wrong decision of agreeing with that boy or did he make the right one, would his master be pleased with his decision even if it was the wrong one....oh gosh, all of this would come down piling up onto him wouldn't it. He slowly got up from the chair as he walked up a stairway and into a secluded room off to the side and slammed the door shut flopping face down onto his bed.


Izuku looked at his phone as he raced towards his house, turning a sharp corner and almost falling on his bum, before the black haired man came and caught him.

"Slow down okay, gosh I swear you could give me a heart attack one of these days."
Izuku looked up at his friend and giggled slightly "You always where a charmer shinsou"

The black haired man blushed profusely and put the green haired male upright "S-shush you'll b-blow my cover" he said as he walked towards Izukus apartment.

Izuku ran up to the black haired man as he continued walking.

"Since when did you have a cover to be blown?" Izuku said with a sly grin as he walked in front of the noticeably taller male.

"Since I started working with you" Shinsou said dryly as he looked upwards.

"Hay you make that sound as if it's a bad thing" Izuku said, nose upturned and arms crossed.
Shinsou looked down, then back up as he turned into an apartment and walked up the stairs.

"Dont ignore me Shinsou~" Izuku pouted slightly as Shinsou opened a door to a run down apartment
Disclaimer. I started this a LOooOoNnnNgGg time ago like last year and i thought i could use it as plots of this where to be a story!

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