run away bride

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After that ordeal, he dragged me to the room im always stuck in. He took off my dress and his tux. I tried to dart out the door but he grabbed my wrist and pull me close. "There will be no escaping Akiru". I couldnt forget the look on sesshoumarus face when i said those two awful words that damned me. His face was full of sorrow. Naraku pinned me to the bed shoving himself inside of me and having his way yet again. For what seemed like hours he kept going. Even after he already cam once he kept going, as if enjoying his victory, like in his mind he was saying 'hahaha sesshoumaru i won'! Finally he had his fill and went to sleep. I got up and got dressed in one of the brothel kimonos hanging in the closet. I kept looking out the window and wondered how sesshoumaru was doing till i heard a sound outside. I opened the window and then sesshoumaru hopped on the window seal. *gasp* i backed away from the window in shock. "Akiru, quickly come with me to be free". He whispered. I nodded my head and wasted no time at all to jump out the window with him. As we were falling he held me close and kissed me. We landed on the ground safely and quickly got in his car. As we drove off i took one last glance back at the brothel and smiled.

A few years went by and i never went back. I turned the brothel into the police and they quickly swarmed the place. Kagome and Sango were saved as well as they were finally with inuyasha and miroku. Kikyo ran off and was never heard of. As for naraku he was sent to prison for human trafficking charges and the court issued me a quick divorce. Afterwards me and sesshoumaru married and had a couple kids. Life for this geisha couldnt have been better.


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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