Chapter 1 - Rescue

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(YN) was lying on the cold, dirty cement in a Seoul alleyway. With injuries rendering her unable to move, she cursed the sad situation she had gotten herself in. Rain began to lightly fall as she struggled to keep her head up, nearing lost consciousness. As (YN)'s eyes grew heavier and her vision began to blur, she saw a tall shadowy figure against the hazy neon lights from the main street. The figure drew near, and (YN) blacked out.

It hurts. The pain had woken (YN) up. Throbbing and aching muscles from her neck to her feet. (YN) opened her eyes to take a look at the source of the pain but it was dark. After opening and closing her eyes a few times to make sure they worked, she realised that wherever she was, the lights were out. She felt around her immediate surroundings for some clues. She was laying on something soft. Am I on a bed? Couch maybe? While wincing in pain and with tears forming in her eyes, she managed to stand up. (YN) took a step forward but her legs were unable to support her own weight. She fell to her knees with a thud and a yelp. The room flooded with light as a door creaked open.

With the illumination, (YN) was able to see where she was. A small, poorly furnished room that contained no more than a bed, a desk, and a lamp. Before (YN) could take a closer look at anything, she was gently picked up. A tower of a man was holding her in his arms, bride style. (YN) could feel the muscles on him. She knew that she should have been scared, but the gentleness of his touch was reassuring. She looked up to see his face. He had very neat and short black hair that was combed back. His eyes were hidden behind black sunglasses. His other features were sharp and pointed. (YN) was set back on the bed, the man clicked on the lamp that was on the table and sat beside her.

In a deep voice the man asked, "How are you feeling? You were roughed up pretty good. If I hadn't found you passed out in that alleyway who knows what would have happened." A semblance of a smile crept across his face.

Through the hoarseness of her voice (YN) replied, "It hurts. I don't know how I got here. Everything is kind of a blur..." She held her hand to her head, trying to remember and trying to relieve some of the pain from her throbbing headache. The man noticed and presented her with a water bottle. (YN) took the bottle and chugged. She hadn't realised how thirsty she was. Water dribbled from the corners of her mouth and fell onto her lap. It was cold. (YN) looked down and saw that she was naked aside from some bandages. She dropped the bottle, spilling it on the floor, and brought her hands up in a pathetic attempt to cover herself.

The man laughed, and wrapped his jacket around her. "Sorry about that, but your clothes were ruined. I had to take them off to treat your wounds. You said you don't remember how you got here, do you remember how you got hurt?"

"I was... fighting. I think." Given (YN)'s past it was a well-educated guess. But who? I don't remember what happened. "But that's all I know."

"I saw what you did, it was pretty incredible. You fight well for a woman. If you weren't caught off guard and hit from behind I think you could have won that little brawl." The man lit up a cigarette, "I think there were three against you. I don't normally bother with back alley tussles, but you were beautiful. Krav Maga?" He turned to her and held her chin in his hand. "Get some rest and focus on healing." He gently kissed (YN)'s forehead and stood up to leave. Before he closed the door he said, "When you're ready, come find me, I'll make you an offer."

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