who is blue boy?

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The blue boy woke up. He was laying on the white floor, which seemed to be a little island in the middle of- nowhere. He looked around, seeing nothing but only an empty space and white stairs. It seemed vague, but it seemed that the stairs were to lead him somewhere. It was alluring, and his body seemed to push towards the stairs.

He's scared. Why? Because he's in the middle of nowhere. He's never seen anything of the sort, nor heard of it. An empty space with stars of different colors, shining in the dark space. He gasped, as a star flew by him. Right in front of his head and felt a slight 'swoosh' on his left cheek. His hands went up to touch his cheek, but his eyes quickly widened.

Blue. He looked down onto his body. Nothing but blue. Nothing... but blue. No hair, no moles. As if his body were to be a character design. He stood up, examining his body, touching his chest, waist, arm out of shock. All blue, and it didn't even seem that he was human. Tears swelled up; he was so confused. So scared, he didn't know what to do. He huffed, deciding that maybe the stairs were to lead him somewhere. Somewhere where he wouldn't have to feel so scared.

He started walking up the stairs, without knowing where it'd lead him. The walking turned into running, but quickly went back to walking since the blue boy didn't have a very athletic body. His stamina decreased over time. Seconds turned into minutes; minutes turned into hours. He started becoming stressed, where was it even leading him to? "what even is the point of walking up these stairs?!?! It's not even leading me anywhere!" he yelled out to himself.

He was petrified- he was in the middle of nowhere, with nothing even there. What was even the point of having hope? All that dedication- its all nonsense! He then spotted a stair that was a bit longer than the others. Finally, some place where he could rest. He walked up a couple of stairs then sat on the flat platform. There were still stairs, so nothing seemed to be changed other than the single bigger platform.

He sat down, "maybe there isn't anything to hope for. What if there's really nothing leading up to there... is there a point then? Is there even a good reason for me to go up these stairs-'' he started bawling. Screaming his heart out because of the amount of stress that was bubbling up in him from suddenly being put into an unknown area was all being let out. He soon stopped crying, then was just a sad blue boy. He felt empty. After letting all his feelings out, he doesn't even know how to feel anymore.

He now believes that going up the stairs meant nothing but a waste of time. Then he suddenly stopped thinking about everything, "what if I jump" the blue boy said. What if he jumps? What would happen? Will he disappear or would he escape from what seems like an endless stairway that heads up to nothing? But blue boy doesn't care anymore. The small blue boy shuffled forwards. He wasn't scared. No, not at all. He then shuffled a bit more... and there he falls. Blue boy finally fell into the empty space.

But... now there is no blue boy. Poor blue boy. The stairway actually lead him to somewhere. Somewhere safe, where he could have no fear of being in a lonely place. If only he had the teeniest speck of hope that he needed to feel safe and happy. Poor blue boy. If only he hasn't fallen, but there is no blue boy anymore. No blue boy exists anymore... as if there were no blue boy in the first place. Who is blue boy?

hi, so the photo for the cover isn't mines. this story was just some thing from my class and i thought it'd be cool to post it since it seemed interesting. i hoped you liked it haha, goodnight 😳✌🏻✨

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