Pain to Fame

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"STOP!!" I cried. It was the last week of school and I guess Lou the Badass decided to take his anger out on me. I was pushed against the lockers while a red warm liquid spilled from my mouth and nose. My face was probably black and blue by now. He punched and kicked me still I had stopped moving and crying.

I heard yelling and then someone picked me up and carried me then the darkness took me to safety.


Light races toward me and I tried to open my eyes but nothing happened. All I saw was dark, but I know I'm awake. Suddenly it hit me like a brick, " AM I BLIND!?!?!?!?" I screamed with fear in my voice. "What, no of course not your ice pack must have fallen on your face" the voice I identified as my best friend Emma. "Oh" I said feeling a little dumbfounded. "Haha, did you really think you we're blind?" She spoke moving the ice pack back onto my forehead. "Well, yeah I mean I couldn't see." She laughed once again. "Look who finally woke up!" My sister Whitney said with a tint of pity in her voice. "Yeah well I can't sleep forever, sadly." I spoke with amusement. "You said it" Emma yelled high fiving me.

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