The Other Half of It

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When Zeus split humans in half and condemned us to a life in search of our soulmates, one can only wonder what he was thinking. How could this benefit mankind? Can soulmates ever even find each other, or would we be destined for lives of settling for the best fit? Apollo didn't approve of the idea and saves us from being half-beings, but did this really improve the situation?

Whatever his plan was, to this day humans are still preoccupied with the idea of finding their soulmates, and will stop at almost nothing to track them down. Some go to worrying extremes, other let fate decide when and where they'll bump into each matter how lonely they'll feel until - of if - that time comes. Those who have been lucky enough to find their soulmate have described it as unbelievably joyous, providing a feeling of finally being at home, and simply being the best thing that could ever happen to them.

So, do you believe in soulmates?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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