Chapter 6 i have to be honest

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Zach- ...
Zach- y/n--
Zach moves in close and leans in and u freak the heck out and pull way as soon as u done it you regret doing it
You- zach um, I dont know if we should do this?!
Zach- y no i see what i want i want you y/n that's all I've wanted since day one!
You-... uh shit uh, idk what to say.. uh I like like you too, but I dont need it right now I have to much goin on with your dad and my mom so if u would like plz give me time then maybe?!
Zach-... sure y/n I understand!
A few mins pasts and he says he needs to go home to check on him knog!

What will happen u have friend zoned 1 will the others fall for ya or will u meet someone else??

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