Chapter 11

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*Play the song above when RE wakes her up :), I couldn't find the translation or lyrics for this XD, so sorry about that, anyway back to the story*

Soviet's POV

I let out a sigh, walking through the hall, heading towards my father's room wanting to get his opinion on my little idea. I've been thinking ... maybe this place isn't too safe for (Y/N), Empire has proved that point very well. I just want her to be comfortable, she's been through enough stress as it is ... not to mention grief. This Empire problem is just adding onto that. Maybe we should send her to Britain's house early instead of keeping her for a few months like agreed upon. Besides, I have been having this uneasy feeling recently, like something isn't right. 

I walk past (Y/N)'s room, wandering when she came back throughout the day. I haven't seen her the entire, but I don't blame her for locking herself in her room. I most likely would've done the same, Russia did the same as well whenever he got angry at his siblings. 

I place my hand on her door, staring at it sadly, as I lean forward, placing my forehead on the door. "I'm so sorry, lyubov'." I whisper through the door, not caring if she heard me or not. "I wish things turned out differently." I want her to stay, I want her here more than anything and especially away from the capitalist but ... she would be much more safer and at ease there. Somewhere where a crazy jealous country can't reach her. 

I jump as I hear scratching at the door, confused I turned the knob, finding it unlocked. As soon as the door opened up just an inch, Hunter came bursting out, nearly knocking me over as he bolted down the stairs. I shake my head, giving out a small laugh, "I think he wants to-" I froze, for (Y/N) wasn't in her room. 

I turn around, closing the door behind me, running down the stairs to see Hunter scratching at the front door. I look outside to see the snow falling once more, the wind beginning to pick up as the sky darkened. I went and got on my boots quickly. 

"Soviet, what's going on?" I hear Reich question, coming out of the hallway while rubbing his hands with a hand towel. 

"(Y/N) didn't come back." I say, adjusting my brown coat before walking over towards Hunter who was desperately scratching at the door, trying to get out. He barked and whined, sometimes slamming his front paws on the door.  

"What?" Reich questioned in shock, fear flashing across his face for a moment before disappearing. "I'll come with you!" He spoke, a look of determination shining in his eyes. 

"No." I say shaking my head. "You stay here, you were never good in the cold anyways." I say, grabbing my scarf before wrapping it around my neck. 

"You can't go out there alone." Reich retorted, crossing his arms. 

I smirk at him, "Oh please, I have faced much more worse than this. Besides I'm not alone." I gesture to Hunter with my head, "I have someone who can track her." I grab a rifle out of the closet, checking to make sure it was loaded, before grabbing onto the doorknob. "I'll be back with (Y/N) soon, she probably just gotten lost or knowing her, tripped over her own feet and sprained an ankle." 

Reich nodded, "I'll inform the other two." Reich began climbing the stairs before turning around saying, "If you three don't come back in three hours I'm going out there myself." 

"Copy that." I say, cocking the gun before opening the door. Hunter bolting out of the house instantly, his paws bounding against the cold ground as he headed towards the forest. I close the door behind me, chasing after Hunter, keeping him in my sights as I run through the forest. The cold air whipping past my face didn't faze me at all, as I watched my breath rise into the atmosphere as I chase after the pup. Jeezus this dog is fast. 

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