For Starters..

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I'm guessing if your here, your Christain, young and trying to figure out this whole new world where your including God.
I'm thirteen years old. I met God when I was 12. However, I was raised near his altars for as long as I can remember. My name is Emersy Pimentel Pena and I'm here to help guide those like me.
Has anyone ever told you that you're too young to do something? To be something? To see something?
When we hit our teenage years, we are constantly hearing "You're too young to be in love." from our friends, families and church.
While you're watching the Pastor preach about loving your God, you think to yourself. "I'm too young to know what love is when it comes to a boy from school, but i'm not too young to know what love is when it comes to God?"
Well, I would like to help you control that specific train of thought. Some day, you will realize, whether it be today or tomorrow, that you can do anything no matter the age. Though you want to love the boy you've been watching, the love you have for God is true love.
When it comes to God, you're not too young to do something like, preach. You're not too young to influence others, spread the word or preach the Gospel. And most importantly, you're not too young to see the hands of the Lord our God move in our lives.
I understand that I, myself, am young. That can give you the motive to think that I am just a kid speaking nonsense but I know what I'm speaking to you about. It's now your choice to put the book down or keep reading.
Is she brainwashed? What are the people these days believing?
No. I'm not brainwashed and neither are you. I see your faith has led you on to proceed in my book. A little bit of my faith is telling me that God has a purpose with you and you will climb mountains!
As you lay in bed, you can't fall asleep with all the thoughts absorbing your head. "How can I be so sure that God is real if I can't see him?"
Did you know that even the smallest moments in your life will be the biggest moments in the future because you'll realize that the small moment you experienced was God speaking to you or even God showing you a sign.
I would like to try something with you guys. Close your eyes and try to think about the smallest thing you experienced today. Now, compare that thing you thought about to God. How can that small little thing compare to the ways of the Lord? Hopefully, your eyes are now opened to a new understanding of the real and living God.
If that is not enough evidence to support the fact that God is real then maybe try finding a Bible if you don't already have one.
You will really be surprised by how much God talks to you through books. I mean, he talks to me every night and tells me something new just because I opened up a Bible and read a verse or two. I'm sure he can do the same for you!
I feel myself distancing from God, What should I do?
You should try and find out why, when and where it all started. The three W's. When did I realize that I was distancing? Where did it happen? Why did I allow it to happen and why did it happen?
This may seem silly but I advise you to write down those answers in a notebook or on a piece of paper because it can be a reflection of what you did and how you can prevent that in the future.
Once you write that down, take a couple of minutes to ask God to forgive you. If you really repent then God shall forgive you. However, if you only want to apologize because you want to get credit for it, you may not be forgiven.
It all depends on what comes from the heart. Now that you have asked for forgiveness, you can fix your relationship with God.
If you would like to maintain your relationship strong and stable, you should read over what you wrote down and really push yourself to not make the same actions that are on the paper.
However, if that idea seems too silly or is "Too much work" then a very simple thing you can do is just ask forgiveness and tell Him that you are ready to return to his ways.
To make sure you maintain your relationship strong and stable, you might want to take some time to worship him and read the Bible.
I do warn you, however, that just because it seems simple to get back on track, your wicked ways that lead to distance and a broken relationship can not be a pattern!
Despair vs. satisfaction when it comes to God
When you're in a phase of despair, it means your losing hope. Losing faith, even. There is a way to control your feelings of despair. Soon, you will see how those feelings of despair will develop into a feeling of satisfaction.
As you sit at the dining table with your family you pick at your food thinking about how you're at loss of hope. "This is too hard," You say to yourself, "I don't know what to do."
Here is my suggestion for you. Just simply pray to God and ask him for help. I assure you that things will start changing. Now, it won't be overnight but over time, you will start to feel satisfied and you will feel like you can do anything because the Lord has led you to your hope.
I do advise you to also put the effort into finding your faith again. If you just leave it up to God, do you really want to find your faith again if you don't put in the effort?
You should have a positive mindset, attitude and goal. Go into this search with the mindset of wanting to be hopeful again. The attitude of knowing that you will succeed at finding your faith. And the goal to make sure you keep pushing and trying to find it.
Now, instead of picking at your food at the dining table, you're satisfied and you can laugh and talk to your family about how God was with you the whole time and he was pushing you to get rid of the despair.
I tell you this from experience. If you feel a lack in your faith and you ask God to help you, He will always be there. I promise.

To be continued..

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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