Chapter 1: A Dark Discovery

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     Chapter Master Jonek of the Roaring Phoenixes stood above the gladiatorial arena that hosted the trials that all that aspired to join the Roaring Phoenixes must take. He watched as young men fought, and remembered his own trials, just over a century ago. He was young for his rank, but he wielded the legendary Blade of Vulkar with ease, a trait that no one since their father's death had accomplished.
     He felt the emotions of those around him, his psychic power being held in, like a ditch around a forest fire. His powers had revealed themselves only a few years ago, during the War for Vulkar; a war which they ultimately lost.
     "My lord," a familiar voice said, smooth, yet stern. The voice belonged to Adrian, Chief Apothecary of the chapter.
     "Results from the genetic testing and blood samples have proven themselves... interesting."
     "Please elaborate," said Prathios, the Master of Sanctity and Jonek's best friend.
     "Well, there are some strange genetic markers in their DNA which are quite compelling," Adrian responded, holding up a dataslate, "On the left is the DNA of a normal human, and on the right is the DNA from one of the samples that has a discrepancy." Jonek tilted his head slightly as Adrian spoke, curious to where the discussion was going. "These results show inhuman DNA mixed with that of a standard human. I suggest we observe the afflicted aspirants very closely. The serfs may have missed something while inspecting the recruits."
     As Adrian spoke the last sentence, Jonek saw a strange sight in the arena closest to them. An aspirant had managed to drive his hand through his enemy's torso. As Jonek looked closely, he noticed the clawed fingers, obviously not human, and ridges on the forehead of the assailant.  Jonek calmly jumped over the railing and dropped down into the pit hundreds of feet below.
     The ground shook as he landed, a cloud of dust surrounding him. He could hear Prathios calling to him, but he ignored it. He looked at the mutated human and drew his blade. As it came out of its sheath, it ignited with bright orange fire. The mutant sprinted at him, his claws tearing a rent in Jonek's armor as he closed in. Jonek grabbed the mutant and threw him, waiting for him to stand back up. As the mutant stood, it charged again, this time being cleaved in half by the Blade of Vulkar. It didn't bleed, being cauterized instantly by the bright flames that ran along the sword's blade.
     "I believe this is a Genestealer Cultist," Jonek said over the Vox, "It displays many key features including baldness, claws, purplish skin, and ridges on his forehead. I'd guess a third or fourth generation hybrid. Search for others displaying any of these features and execute them.
     "I will be making a statement. Tell Kahar that he is to lead my honor guard in going to the planetary senate's building to do some screening and carry out some executions. We must trigger the Cult's uprising as soon as possible."
     Prathios turned away and entered the fortress monastery, ready to relay orders as Jonek exited the pit and walked towards the closest entrance of the fortress monastery; he had to polish his armor and make himself look presentable for his appearance on the Star system's holovision. It was time to smoke out the vermin.

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