Chapter 3

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I started wandering around aimlessly in the middle of the night. I did not even know where I'm going to go or what the hell I'm doing with my life but I know it won't be easy, not anytime soon.

I got tired and found a nearby bench in an abandoned park and leaned against the it. The stars looked extra beautiful tonight. Wait, why am I not even worrying about my future? I'm eighteen. Almost an adult now and I have to find my way through all of this mess. I can't be dwelling over my father who has since died. I need to move on. I need to find happiness... Or at least try. There is no point crying over spilled milk anyway, no matter how cliche it may sound.

I took out the plane ticket that my mother gave me. I'm leaving for New York in five hours. Five hours. Not something I have to do but I can't just possibly tear it and find my own way out of this maze. Besides, this town and this state holds too many memories that my mind can never get rid of. It's been tattooed, it has left a permanent ink on myself and the only way out of this is to move somewhere else. I have heard a lot of things about the big apple, it will be so thrilling to actually experience the big hype of it. I don't know what the hell I'm going to be doing there. My mother probably signed me up for college or something. She can practically do anything with that amount of money my father has left her with.

'Ding' my phone went off. "Have a safe flight Jasmine. Remember, please call me if you need anything at all. I'm doing this because I love you. " I looked at the screen and read a text message. My mum. I didn't save her number or anything because there isn't a need to but maybe I should now.

"Miss, you're not supposed to be sleeping here. Miss-"

I was rudely awaken by a large hand on my shoulder shaking me. I squinted my eyes and saw an old man dressed in white clothing with a green vest.

I frantically searched around for my phone in case anybody conviently stole it from me when I was a sleeping log. I checked the time and sighed in realization when I still had an hour to get to the airport for my flight.

I whispered a sorry to that poor man and quickly gathered all my stuff and walked to the edge of the road and flagged for a Uber.

I checked in just in time. I was so sleepy and exhausted that I couldn't wait to get inside that plane and sleep my eyeballs out. Sounds a little drama mama but it's the truth. The scary truth in fact is, where the hell am I supposed to stay? I then remebered that white envelope she gave to me and I quickly took it out of my bag. Inside, there was a freaking credit card, a college schedule and keys? Oh my maccroni and cheese sticks, did she actually buy me a car?

I have a driving license because in the recent years when I had nothing to do, I decided to try driving. I can't believe this. She wasn't that bad after all, my mother... I shook my head in disbelief and carefully placed everything back inside the envelope and sealed it properly incase there is a thief luring around here somewhere.

When I got out the plane, I was no nervous when I was about to collect my suitcase because everything looked the same. I started panicking so badly everyone looked me like I was a foreign creature. Lucky enough, I spotted my rusty old black suitcase and quickly carried it with all that I could. Unfortunately, Santa Claus wasn't really happy with me leaving my hometown on Christmas and I fell onto the floor in an embarrassing position. Some people went up to help me and asked me if I was okay. There was a huge lump in my throat and I could have cried and embarrassed myself even more but I bit my cheek and nodded a few thank yous before scurrying away from that place. I need to hit the gym soon, really.

I flagged for a Uber again and a man in his mid 40s greeted me with a wide smile.

"Where can I take you to Miss?"

"Could you take me to Brooklyn College, please?"

The driver gave me a small laugh and replied "Of course. You're paying me for a reason".

I laughed along with him at my pure stupidity. It's been long since I heard my own laughter. My life was filled with sorrows and loneliness and I couldn't have fit in any happy moments ever since my dad's departure. I like being happy. I never knew how hard it can get to feel that emotion...

We arrived at my destination pretty fast. The driver offered to help me with the suitcase and I thanked him before paying him the fare.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine Jonathan. Can I know which dorm room I'm staying at?" I asked the lady standing behind the counter. She gave me a weird stare and and asked for my application letter. Not surprised though, I look like a complete mess. Dressed in jeans and a dirty sweatshirt with tangled hair. I would do the same if I was her.

"Room F32, Hall D Miss. Take the elevator on your left" she returned my application with a smile gave me my room keys before carrying on with her work.

I took the elevator as she mentioned and walked room after room until I found 'F32' returned in bold numbers. The number 'F32' can potentially change my life... If only I knew that before I opened the door.

A/N: Do comment and let me know what you think! :) i hope this turns out good but no matter what I love writing and I will continue to update :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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