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*sigh* I feel terrible about this chapter...

~Unknown~ You should.

I do *sigh*

Jack's POV

It has been 3 months since I last saw Elsa I was so sad. I couldn't see her even if I wanted to because of the fight with Pitch. I sighed.

"Jack, what is matter?" North asked. I sighed again.

"I mi-" There was an awful pain in my stomatch. I clenched my stomatch and fell to the ground.

"Jack!" Tooth cried and flew over to me. "Are you ok? are your teeth ok?" 

"Tooth" North said walking over to me. The pain didn't stop. I yelled out. "Jack what seems to be problem?" North asked. I didn't respond just yelling in pain and then, it stopped.

"Is it over mate?" Bunny asked I nodded. grabbing my staff and standing up.

"What was that?" I asked. They looked at each other and sighed.

"That my dear friend is how you feel when..." North started.

"Someone stops believing in you. Sorry mate" Bunny finshed.

"No" I wispered and looked at the globe. I flew to where Arendelle was and saw only 4 lights with pictures of: Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf. No Elsa.

"Elsa" I whispered.

"What?" Tooth asked.

"It's Elsa s-she doesn't believe in me anymore" No. Why doesn't she believe in me, is it because I haven't seen her in so long? I was so confused as to why.

"Jack, it will be ok" Tooth comforted.

"But she doesn't believe in me anymore. I don't know why" I stared at Arendelle. I saw a little flicker

"I need to go to Arendelle!" I started to walk out the door.

"Jack wait" North said. I turned to him. "what a ride?" I smiled and followed him to the sleigh.

Anna's POV

"No, no, no not agin!" I cried as I watched where I last saw Elsa. She was gone again and I couldn't save her this time.

"Ana don't worry" Kristoff said. I turned to him and ran into his arms and cried my heart out.

"She's gone" I whispered.

"She will be back Anna. SHe would miss our wedding for the world" Kristoff said comforting me.

"Why did she run?" I looked at him.

"She was in the ballroom and started to freeze the ground, I yelled her name and she looked at me then at the frost almost touching me. She thawed it and loked at everyone staring at her then she ran" Kristoff hugged me and I hugged him back.

"She is scared that she might freeze us because she almost froze me too" I said looking back at where Elsa was. I stood up straight. "She will be back in the mean time, we shall eat" I said pulling Kristoff towards the castle. Why Elsa.

Elsa's POV

I heard something outside my balcony. I wiped my tears and walked over to it.

"Hello?" I asked. There was nobody. I felt a presence a cold one but, I didn't see anybody.

"Elsa" I head faintly. I looked around everywhere but noone. I walked back into my castle and shut the doors. It's colder in here then usual.

Jack's POV

We landed just outside her balcony of the Ice Castle since we saw Anna crying and looking towards this mountain. There she was as beautiful as ever.

"Elsa!" I called. she looked at the balcony. She wiped her tears before walking out. I was so excited to see her but, she couldn't see me. I still had hope in me that she believed a little bit.

"Hello?" She said as she stood on her balcony. No it couldn't be... after she promised not to forget about me she has.

"Elsa" I said and walked into her castle. She backed in slowly and closed the doors. She turned and walked my way. She walked straight through me.

"No. ELSA!" I called her name. She looked around again confused. No please no! Don't forget about me! I was so sad I started to cry.

"Hello?" she asked again. I was starring at her in disbelief. Then the whole room started to snow, because I made it snow. Elsa looked around. I made a snowflake and blew it into her face. She looked at it the she blinked and stared in my direction.

"Jack" She gasped but I simply just stared at her no reaction or anything just horror, saddness and disbelief. "Jack w-where were you when I needed you? where where these last 3 months? I waited for you but you never came" She looked at me in saddness and in anger.

"I was saving the world from Pitch like I said. I told you never to forget me, but you did. I wanted to go to you, but I couldn't. I was sad and lonely and when I finally was able to see you again. I felt the pain of my heart being riped out of me. That pain is what I feel when someone stops believing in me. I came all this way to see you but, you didn't see me until I made a snowflake to make you believe in me. Now since you stopped believing. I will go" I turned to the balcony doors. Angry and sad is what I felt. I opened the balcony doors and North wasn't there. Great. I looked up and saw him and smiled.

"Jack wait!" She yelled. I turned to her with an anger and pure heartbroken look on my face. She ran to me and put an arm on my shoulder. "I'm sorry" She said before kissing me. I kissed her back. We stood there kissing for a while before she stopped. "I didn't mean to it's just I was scared that you might of forgot about me and that you were never going to return. I was so sad that I almost froze Anna and Kristoff" She cried and I hugged her.

"Don't cry, who would forget about you" I told her with tears forming in my eyes.

"But I can't Jack" She said between cries. I smiled and she put her head on my chest.

"I love you, Jack" She cried.

"I love you too, Elsa"

OMG THE FEELZ ARE REAL, the feelz are real. Hope you enjoyed this chapter well, atleast the ending...

~Unknown~ Why are you so evil. What did you hope you could possibly gain?

Did you just use a Megamind reference on me?

~Unknown~ No...

Wow. Hey I'm not evil because if I was evil I would have made Jack ignore Elsa and he flew away.

~Unkown~ Good point but, you have to make the next chapter a happy one!

I will...

~Unknown~ If you don't. I will kidnap you and write the story how I want to write it. *death stare*

Ok, ok yesh I was joking. The next chapter will be happy.

~Unknown~ Good. *does the 'I'm-watchin-you thing*



~Unknown~ Bye. *stares at me*

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