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Irene's POV

i followed the feline where it ran

and found her sitting and wagging her tail awwww too cuteeeee

i kneeled down and pet her and she purrs loudly

"crrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"the feline made the purr noise

i chuckled

"you're so cute"i said and played with her chin

the feline layed on her back meaning she wants  belly rub

i giggled and rub her belly

"you're a good girl aren't ya?uhm?"i look at her ribbon colar and there's a little gold flat circle something attached to her ribbon that says 'Snow'

"hi snowwww"i said and she looks so happy and purred more hahaha she's so cuteeeee

specially her thick pawssss

with her thick furr

"ahm miss is she your cat?" suddenly a man came wearing a brown winter coat with a cap and a face mask

he's way taller than me

"ahm no she just found me and she ran so i followed her thinking to gave her back to her owner" i said picking the feline

the feline instantly nuzzled on my neck and i can feel her cold furr touches my warm skin and i get shivers down my spine because of the cold touch

the feline must be enjoying the warmth

"th cat found you?same! she meowed at me and ran and i just followed her too!" the man said and steps closer

was that a coincidence or destiny??AISH BAE JOOHYUN  WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???

wait ahm what should i do????

he stops 3 steps away so he can pet the feline

the feline purred again

"she likes you too" i said to him

"oh really?"he ask he looks shock

doesn't he knows about cats?

"yeah when they purr"i said and he looked at me with a confused eyes

i notice that he is confuse because he squinted his eyes sign that he's confuse

"what's that?"he ask petting the cat again

"the 'crrrrrrrr' sound"i said and try to immitate the cats purr

he chuckled

i look at him with a 'y u laughin' look

"i'm just joking, i never thought that you'd really explain it and worst immitate it HAHAHA"now he's really laughing

i glared at him and he stops

"sorry i was just carried away"he said and scratch his nape

i rolled my eyes and talk to the kitty

"where can we find your owner kitty?"i ask and the kitty jumps out in my arms and meow

"can you show us?"the man ask looking at the feline

the feline walked and we followed her

i think we're crazy

talking to a cat, really irene?

Taehyung's POV

we're now following the cat with this girl

why do i have the feeling that she might be someone i know?

she's wearing a face mask

the face mask is really big for her face

i'm curious about her

maybe i should ask later

"uhm so where do you live?"she ask still focus on the cat

i looked at her

"not too far away from here, i live in a dorm with my members"i said and looked at the cat again

"what?are an idol or something?"she ask

oh sht my tongue slipped!

"a-ah let's talk about it later"

she nodded

the cat stopped in front of a small house with a red small door

the house kinda looks old and it's kinda far from where the houses are

it's the only house here to be exact

the cat looked at us and the girl knock twice

an old woman open the door and warmly smiled at us

"good you two are here"she said and the cat jump in her arms


me and the girl looked at each other both confuse of what the old lady said

is she really expecting the both of us?but how?does she know me?us?

"come in you two"the old lady said again

"uhm thank you but i still have something to do"the girl tried to excuse herself

"no you don't"the old lady said and pulled us inside the house

the door automatically closed

it's so warm inside

it's like a cabin everything inside is made out of wood

"have a sit and make yourself comfortable" the old lady said and smiled at us

she looks kind to me

"thankyou for bringing back my cat"the old lady smiled while doing something

i can't totally see it cause it's kinda far and the only thing that lights this are is the fire place

"well actually..the cat brought us here"i said and the girl next to me nodded

"i know, she's clever isn't she?" the girl and i nodded our heads

for a cat she's really something

the old lady approach us holding a wooden tray with three mugs

i guess it's hot choco?

"what time is it?"the girl asked

i looked at my watch

11:26 what?!it's already midnight
hyungs are going to kill meeeeee

"11:26" i said and she also looked shocked

One Cold Winter Night ; 𝐕𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐄Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang