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I was still battling to find my feet a week later. Even more so as I sat in the waiting room at the OBGYN's with Veronica browsing through maternity brochures with pictures of smiling pregnant women and happy couples.

The sight of smiling babies made everything so real, and I wasn't excited. Don't get me wrong, I was going to keep the baby, regardless of whether or not my ex-husband would be in the picture. It was just a big pill for me to swallow right away.

"Elyse Martins?"

Veronica snickered, "Told you it's not too late. Your surname hasn't even changed yet."

I ignored her as I stood up and made eye contact with the woman dressed in lavender overalls.

"You Mrs Martins?" She asked politely, a Southern accent evident.

I nodded, "Yes."

She smiled before walking down the hall with us hot on her tail.

I'd done a lot of research in the weeks leading up to my appointment, I'd googled pregnancy symptoms, child birth, all things parenting — including being a single parent.

I didn't expect my ex-husband, or pending ex-husband, to be in our child's life. He'd made the choice to divorce, and I wasn't going to use this baby as a way of forcing him to change his mind.

My mother was a single parent for most of my childhood. If she could do it as an immigrant, then so could I.

As I stepped into the consultation room, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Who knew I'd be twenty-two, almost divorced, living with my best friend and pregnant with my pending ex-husbands child?

"Hi, I'm Doctor Marie Nevan." I shook her hand, feeling calmer as she offered a warm smile.

She shook Veronica's hand before indicating for us to sit in the chairs in front of her desk.

"So, Mrs Martins I hear we might be pregnant?" She asked cheerily, glancing at a file on her desk.

Veronica snickered, "There's no might."

I glared at her, but remained silent.

Dr. Nevan nodded, "I see that they've taken your vitals, and gotten a sample of urine."

"Yes," I said, taking a deep breath. "And?"

I knew I was pregnant, but a part of me still hadn't quite grasped it all.

She smiled softly, "You're pregnant."

Veronica snorted, shooting me a told you so look.

"Have you felt any abdominal pain?" Doctor Nevan asked, flipping through my file.


"Any other symptoms?"

"Yes, morning sickness, tender chest and bigger appetite." I recited.

"Alright. Your history is pretty good, so I don't see the need to worry about anything else. How about we do an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay?" Doctor Nevan asked, rising from her chair.

I followed suit, allowing the nurse to take off my coat and help me onto the table in the corner. Doctor Nevan gently pulled my shirt up before placing a lukewarm gel on to my lower abdomen.

As I laid on the table I noticed the slightest raise in my lower abdomen, it looked as though I was bloated, and I probably was with the way I'd been eating. I looked away as if it would disappear.

Doctor Nevan began moving the wand around before Veronica gasped softly.

I exhaled before looking at the screen. Sure enough, there was a small being in my body. The little person was barely the size of a large lemon.

"Well, low and behold there's a baby inside you." Veronica said sarcastically, looking at me with soft eyes. "Do you believe it now?"

Tears were streaming down the sides of my face before I could even catch myself.

"You look to be about six weeks and four days, almost two months." Doctor Nevan said.

I couldn't stop myself from sobbing as I stared at the little person. The nurse rushed to get me tissue, I gave her a thankful smile before dabbing away tears.

"I can't believe I'm pregnant." I sobbed.

Veronica placed a hand on my shoulder as she gave me a sympathetic smile, "It'll be okay. I'll be here all the way."

"I will too," Doctor Nevan said, smiling. "We'll help you."

I sighed, glancing at my baby on the screen. "Okay." I nodded.

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