part4: meeting

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Hi friends thanks for all your support and love.
Here is the next part is a short one

Part 4

Madhus POV
I looked at my friend and they looked at me wide eyed
"Madhu I think you have to remember and execute everything I told surely need it for this man"dipali said
"Yes...Madhu" Trish a said
"Yeah...I know"I sighed and felt pain at his cold voice.
"Do one thing him back and ask him to meet you " dipali said
"But y" I asked
"Do as I have to start it from today itself"dipali said
"What??..but I " I said in hesitation because I was not confident enough to carry on anything.
"Don't be a prude it " she extended the phone to me.i took it from her hand and I felt my hands are trembling.i dialed his  number and put it near my ear with trembling hands .I felt my heart jumping and trying to get out of my rib cage. I waited for it to get connected and dipali asked me to put it on loudspeaker.finally it got connected.
"What's it again??"I heard his thick voice but it was clear he was annoyed from the lack of pleasentaries like ' hi' 'hello'
"I....I... Madhubala...I.." I stammered
"I know girl...I saved your number tell me what..." I heard him sighing and he continued"don't say you are having a regret about your decision and trying to call off the marriage. I talked with my mom  about it and if you try to hurt her by this you are going to regret about this day" he threatened
Three of us looked at eachother and our eyes widened in fear. I felt my hands trembling but for a different reason
"Tell him" one of us regained our sense ,and ofcourse ,dipali mouthed me. I nodded and took a deep breath.
" rk...I want to meet you to talk about ..hmm .. something"I said
"You..." Before he could complete I jumped inbetween
"'s not I am calling off the wedding" I said
"Oh.."I heard his sigh of relief" then whatelse??" Hr asked
"That I...I want to talk you in person" I said gaining some courage
"Can't you tell me by phone" he asked
"No...can we meet ..hmm..." I looked at my friends.dipali ran to her table and took out a paper
She wrote on it the time and place .I told it to rk
"Hmm..okay...I will come you and pick from your home " he said
" But...I..I can come by my own" I said
" Madhubala it's not like I want to come there and take you.we have to convince our parents .let them think it's our first after tomorrow we will get engaged" he cut the call without waiting for my answer.
I looked at my friends for thier opinion
" Madhu...I think you are doomed" trish said
" No t underestimate the power of a woman" dipali said " I will explain you what you have to do " and she educate me what all I have to do. I nodded and finally a smile formed on my lips.
I went back to home to see my mom waiting for me. From her look ,I knew she had something important to tell me and I could guess it.
"Hi ma"I said happily
"So??"she asked me
"Hmm...yes" I said
"I know" my father joined and laughed with her." Radhaji called us and told about your confession to Rishabh" Papa teased. I felt my face is resembling a red tomato. I ran back to my room being unable to meet Thier gaze and Thier laughter followed me.
In the night I had the best dream I ever had,in which I danced with him to the song" mein aghar kahoon.." and the I knocked out of the dream by my years old enemy  ,the alarm clock. I was a little bit angry at it for breaking my dream but thankful also  for waking me to get ready and practice because I am going to meet him again.
I went to bathroom to do my routine .when I undressed myself I roamed my hands on my naked body as if he was touching me and goosebumps erupted on my body along with that I moaned . A sigh escaped my lips. I had never touched myself on such a way and it was a first for me . The way I felt by mere thought and touch ,what it will be if he touched me sensually. I sighed in pleasure again.
"Madhu...y are you taking this much time to bath?"my mom's words make me out of the trance and I did everything in hurry .
I went downstairs to help mom in kitchen making breakfast. I wanted to make something good for him,but I didn't know what he we made our usual breakfast and I hope he would like it.
I waited for him in anticipation and often looked at our gate for his arrival. I saw ma and Papa smiling at me through the corner of my eyes. But I ignored them and waited for them.
Finally I saw his car .I was running to the main door to receive him but my mother caught my hand.i looked at her confused.
" What ma??" I asked her
"I will receive him Madhu .stay here" she said smiling
" But y??" I poured
" Thats the way it should be...wait until engagement" she said
I nodded and wait in my room. Finally my mom called me.
"Madhu.." and I felt like I am going to go to heaven
"Ma..." I went to the visiting room to see him and he was there sitting on the couch like a Greek god in all his glory. I felt a drool on my face and I mentally wiped it. He stood up seeing me and I saw a beautiful smile on his face .he slowly moved towards me as if in trance and he reached me .he took my hand in his never leaving his intense eyes from my face. But our cute moment was interrupted by my father's throat clearing. Rk dropped my hand hastily and turn to my father.
" I...I am sorry uncle...I just.." he tried to clear the awkwardness and sat back on his seat
" It's okay happens...btw call me are going to be our son" Papa said. I saw a flash of emotion in his eyes but couldn't read it.
But I was in the cloud nine because I was confirmed that he likes me .
" Rishab...have some Breakfast" ma said
" No auntie ,thanks...I will have later" he said
" Well...Madhu prepared it for you" ma said
" Oh really..." He smiled at me" oh...then I will have some" he said
I felt like I am dreaming .I pinched myself and felt the pain , realising it is not a dream. Where is that man,whom I talked with yesterday.wgere is his cold attitude.. may be dipali is right he might be feeling some sexual attraction towards me.
Anyway first step to his heart ...yeah through his stomach.

I had the breakfast .she and her mother was trying to feed me as much as they can and I had food upto my throat. It tasted good and I should appreciate Thier I took as much as I can.i washed my hands and the girl was there ready with the cloth to wipe my hand
" Thanks" I smiled at her and find her beaming with joy. ' poor girl' I thought.
I went back and sat down
" So ...we are planning for the engagement tomorrow" Papa said
" Yeah... considering mom's condition we have to take it fast" I said
" week we will have the wedding too" he said
" Yeah" I said" well...Papa,...if you don't mind can I take madhubala for an outing?" I asked
" Yeah...y not..." He said
" And..." I hesitated
" What is it son??" He asked
" I want to select her engagement dress...can I?" I asked
He and padminiji laughed" is it something to ask permission...we will be glad ,you are doing it..go for shopping too " he said.
I stood up and looked at her " let's go" I said.she nodded immediately as if she was waiting for me to ask.
" Okay...I will get her back asap" I said him
" No worries...take your time...but nothing naughty" he smirked
I looked at her and she was blushing furiously.
" Yeah" I confirmed
We walked outside followed by her parents. I opened the door for her to enter as a gentle man.we sped up to our destination where we had planned to meet.

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