Chapter Two

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An hour later.... I'm sitting in the waiting room waiting to meet my therapist, Miss. Miller. Right now she is talking to my mom and after waiting for about twenty minutes, they both walk back out to the waiting room and Miss. Miller calls my name. I slowly get up from my chair and head towards the door that she was holding open for me. Then she leads me back to her office, then we both sit down on these sofas opposite from each other and she grabs her notepad from her desk before turning towards me and asking, "So Keon how have you been doing lately?"

"I've been doing good."

"Ok, so your mother tells me that you still believe that your father is still alive. How does that make you feel, knowing that he hasn't contacted you or your family in over three years?"

"I feel alright about it. I just feel as though he's in a place where he can't contact us right now, and he'll be coming home soon enough- alive and in one piece." I state.

"Ok." She says as she writes something down on her notepad. "Do you have any plans for the 4th?"

"Yes, I do. Reyna and I are going to a party at Lake Tacko."

"Is your brother tagging along with you and Reyna as well?"

"Yeah and so is my mom."

"That's great to hear. So how have you and Fay been doing? Are you two getting along ok?"

"Yeah same old, same old. Nothing new has happened between us."

"That's good to hear." She writes something down on her notepad before asking me, "So what else have you been up to? Have you done anything interesting in the last couple of months?"

I sit there for a few minutes thinking over all of the stuff I've done in the last few months before explaining to her, "I took the ACT test for the first time in April, and I think I did fairly well on it. Then I spent a couple of weeks in May, with Reyna and her family at their lake house, up north near the Great Lakes."

"Well sounds like you've had an interesting past couple of months." She smiles then turns to look at the clock and it reads 12 o'clock. "My, my it's already noon? Well, I hope you have fun at the party tomorrow and don't get into too much trouble."

"Thanks, and I'll try not to get into too much trouble. Besides Fay will be there with me, so I can count on him to keep me in line." I say while letting out a small chuckle.

"That sounds great. It must be nice to have a brother who's willing to help you stay out of trouble." She then stands up and I follow suit, and she leads me back out to the waiting room and we shake hands before she calls out Fay's name. He gets up and follows her back to her office as I take a seat next to my mom. Then thirty minutes go by and they both come walking out into the waiting room. My mother goes up and talks to Miss. Miller about making our next appointment.

After scheduling our next appointment, Fay and my mom come walking over towards me and our mom says "Fay, Keon come along now. I have to stop by my work but I'll drop you two off back at the house because I don't know how long I'll be."

"Ok." We both say, and we follow her out to the car then twenty minutes later we arrive back at our house.

As we get out of the car she says "Make sure you lock the door and don't answer it for anybody."

"Yes, mom," Fay says then he heads up the sidewalk towards the door and unlocks it then walks into the house and I follow in after him.

Once our mom left and was out of sight I turned to Fay and told him "I've got something to tell you. It's about the girl Alyjra."

He quickly shuts the front door then asks me with a worried tone rising in his voice, "Ok what is it?"

"I had a dream last night, and in my dream, I saw a young girl and she told me where we are supposed to meet her on the 4th."

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