Chapter 1

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"Uh, Dean?" Sam gives a nervous chuckle. "I have a feeling we're not in apocalyptic Kansas anymore."

Dean scoffs. "Yeah, thanks for the update, Sammy."

The two men look around, puzzled. They've been to the apocalypse world that their mother is trapped in once before, courtesy of fetus Jack's interdimensional portal rift. It was not a pretty sight. The land was, unsurprisingly, deserted and war-stricken. The Judeo-Christian apocalypse tends to do that to a place.

This world is disconcerting in a different way. It's bright and cheerful, and everywhere they look, people are laughing and smiling. This universe isn;t some post-apocalyptic thriller. It's freaking Maybury 2.0. This definitely is not where they're going to find Mary, but the rift is already closed.

"Dude," Dean says quietly.

"Yeah?" Sam asks.

"We are so fucked."

Aren't You A Little Young To Be Building An Interdimensional Portal?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя