Chapter 11

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Perry and Vanessa watch as Doofenshmirtz goes through his old and broken inators, trying to find the parts he'll need for the other-dimension-inator. In his words, he doesn't have the budget to make more than one inator in a day, so he has to recycle these.

"Hey, Perry?" Vanessa says.

Perry looks up at her and chatters.

"It's getting late," she says. "No one's going to go looking for you, are they? Monogram or someone?"

Perry freezes. It is getting late, isn't it? He should have been home ages ago. Last time Phineas and Ferb thought he ran away, they broadcasted an entire musical performance over the whole tri-state area begging him to come home. Even Candace sang a verse, and that's the only nice thing she's ever done for him. Clearly, they're not that worried yet, but they have to be wondering where he is.

Perry pulls out some binoculars from under his fedora — he has everything under his fedora and looks out on the city from the building's overhang. He just wants to make sure Phineas and Ferb aren't worrying yet.

But when he peers into the Flynn-Fletcher backyard, he sees the two men with guns talking to the kids and their friends.

Perry tosses the binoculars to the ground and jumps out of the building without a second thought, hang gliding back home. This is not happening. He's not going to let it happen.

"Perry?" Vanessa calls after him.

"Perry the Platypus?" Doofenshmirtz yells. "Where are you going?"

Obviously, Perry can't answer, given that he's a platypus and that he's nowhere near them anymore, but even if he could, the Doofenshmirtz family isn't his top priority anymore. His own family is.

He lands in the driveway of the Flynn-Fletcher house, and he's faced with a choice. He could either go in the yard and get a look at the scene, or he could try to lure the two gun owners out and hope for the best. The latter could go wrong for obvious reasons, but he's not sure he wants to be stuck in his mindless pet mode around these guys, so he doesn't want to head in, either.

Stuck between two very bad choices, he opts to go with the method that will choose for him. He makes as much noise as he can in the driveway, smacking things with his tail and chasing away chipmunks, so that someone will come out and check on it.

"What's that?" an unfamiliar voice asks. He must be one of the dimension changers.

"I don't know," Phineas says warily. "I'm gonna go check it out."

So he's going with the "scope out the area and get stuck in mindless pet mode" strategy. Good to know. He quickly takes his fedora off and falls on all fours.

"I think this is more our speed," the unfamiliar voice says. "Hang on."

Perry stands back up and puts his fedora back on. He's ready for this. And, if he's not ready for this, he's standing right next to his host family's house, so the Flynn-Fletchers can pay the medical bills that OWCA can't afford.

A man turns the corner, and the first thing Perry notices is that he's tall. Like, really tall. Doofenshmirtz-if-he-stopped-slouching tall. The second thing Perry notices is that not only is he not holding a gun, but he's not reaching for a gun, either. Maybe the Flynn-Fletchers don't need to worry about paying his medical bills.

"Is this a normal thing in this dimension?" the man mutters to himself. "Beaver-ducks in fedoras?"

Perry jumps up and kicks the man in the face.

"Ow!" the man yells, smashing into the side of the house. "What kind of beaver-duck are you?"

Perry grabs the man by the ankle and pulls it out from under him, taking him to the ground. He hops up on the man, running along his body and up to his face, ready to take him out, when...

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