You've Gotta Be Pulling My Leg

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     Louis' eyes widened as he stared down at the walker now attached to his leg, it's decaying teeth still sunk into his skin, right under his knee. He ripped the walker off, stabbing it between the eyes with his knife, taking in deep, shaky breaths and glancing around. He couldn't see anyone; Clem, Aasim, Tenn... none of them were there. They just left him. All he wanted to do was to scream out to someone - call for help. To call Clem, his girlfriend , but... he couldn't. You need to find somewhere to cut this goddamn leg off. He told himself, before bolting into a town he saw not far off into the distance. There had to be something there, something he could use.

The herd of walkers followed him, and with his leg, it was hard to keep running. With the excruciating pain that shot through it each andevery time he bent the knee, it was difficult to maintain the pace. Yet somehow, he was still able to keep a pretty good distance in front of the walkers. His eyes watched as several houses passed by as he walked.

A walker grabbed his arm and he shoved the knife into its head, pushing it off of him when he felt another walker come close. Louis took a deep breath, stabbing it as well before going back to running.

A house with a dog door soon caught his eye. Every other entrance to it had been boarded up, so it looked safe and he made a break for it, pushing himself into the small slot. A walker managed to grab onto his leg and took another bite in his ankle, right above his boot. Louis let out another scream in pain, but, noticing the new bite mark was in the same leg as the previous one, he breathed a small sigh of relief - thank god . Louis used his good leg to kick the walker as hard as he could to get it off of him, pushing through the dog door. Luckily he was just about skinny enough to fit through, and he backed up. Louis, you just need to find the cover. Come on... he frantically scanned the room, finding the cover propped up against the wall. He grabbed it before slamming it into its place and locking it.

Dammit... Louis looked around the garage he was in as the walkers pounded on the large garage door. Louis' eye caught a saw, and he ran and grabbed it. This looks like something I can use to get this damn leg off. Now, something to make it so I don't bleed out, because that would be— His thoughts came to a halt when he noticed some resistance bands. Louis snickered, remembering the times that he had to use them in their gym class because the coach was pretty darn tough on the kids most of the time. He grabbed the yellow one, which was only ten pounds because in Louis' mind that wouldn't be too hard to tie around his leg when the time came for him to do the deed. Once again, Louis took in a deep breath and walked to the door to the house and opened it, walking in before he started shutting and locking it. Clutching the saw's handle and the resistance bands, he limped into the living room, falling onto the floor, huffing in pain.

Come on, Lou. Just cut it off while you still have a shit ton of adrenaline in you. He rolled up his jeans, tying the resistance band tightly so he wouldn't bleed out and grabbed a pillow off the couch to bite on: he had seen it in movies — when those were still a thing — to help people deal with the pain of getting their limb chopped off. He held the saw up, right above his knee, the cold metal meeting his skin sent a shiver down his spine. 3... 2... 1... He pressed the saw down harshly, pushing it back and forth, screaming and sobbing into the pillow as he did. Despite being only halfway there, Louis dropped the saw.

He was writhing in so much pain. Tears streaming and pouring down his face, soaking into the pillow. Everything just hurt so fucking much. He took a couple of moments, simply to compose himself, find the strength in himself again to just finish. Come on, Lou! Come on! Come on! He picked it back up, only to finish the job. Though, as he went back to sawing back-and-forth, Louis found himself fading in and out of consciousness. He bit the pillow as hard as he possibly could when it was finally done.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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